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I stay under water for as long as I can but eventually come up.

I gasp as my head breaches the surface agian and my face is laced in confusion but at the same time a huge grin is on my face.

I look around as all this adrenaline is pumping through my veins. And i spot a wolf like thing in the water growling as I swims to the surface.

I quickly follow it.

"Hey there." I say as I wave to it and crouch down in front of it.

"Hi." He snaps back and I fall on my ass in shock. Giving me a strange case of deja vu.

"Yas I can talk. Get over it." He says simply and I look at him in shock still.

He is clearly a he with his *cough cough*. He is a big black dog with red accents and completely red eyes. His mouth is huge, he has four tails, And astonishingly he has a pair of huge black wings.

I feel a smile form on my face.

"So what's your name?" I ask.

"Apparently Dylan." He says with a huff and sits down on his hind legs across from me. "Which one are you?"

He asks and I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "Im... (Y-Y/n)?" I ask not knowing if that's how I should answer my question.

"What's the last thing you remember doing." He asks.

"Being jn Jeff's arms as he jumped out the window then I feel asleep I think." I state.

"Huh." He says. "I got the original."

"What do you mean?"I ask in shock.

"Hmm." He says with a smirk. "You have four different identitys (Y/n). And I am your soul 'dog'. When your identity change, I change. I also have four identitys to better match your current one. You was just recently in a un named one since you have not found out your name and You have bipolar disorder and I have adhd. Does that help?" He asks kinda happily.

"Oh. Uh. Sure. But you said I have four?"

"Oh yeah! Well there's you; rhe broken one, you have depression and anxiety. A troubled past. A troubled present. A troubled future. Then you have the physhco, and man can I just say you. Are. CRAYZAH!" He says with a huph. "You also have the bipolar one due to growing up with bipolar parents which helped you adjust when she was in control." He says then frowns.

"Who's the last one?" I ask really curious. I know I know curious killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back right?.

"You don't want to meet him, (Y/n). Luckily he hasn't came out yet. But he is a straight up sociopath and sadist. He tortures people for his own pleasure. Please. Please try not to let him take control." He mumbles after hesitating and only telling me facts about the personalities and not exactly what they do.

"Okay..." I mumble and we stand up. "What about you?" I ask.

"Well I look like the elements. Which ever personality you are in, I go with the best matched element. Such as now, I look like the fire element since you easily blow up, no offense." He says putting up his front paws. "Oh and one more thing, I can become human." He says with a smirk.

"Then why don't you?" I ask in confusion.

"Well one reason, humans are the disgusting. And mainly because I don't have clothes. Unless..." he says with a smirk and winks at me.

"Unless?" I say with a slight blush. "You wanna see me naked?" He says wirh fake seriousness.

"W-What?!" I say as my face turns beet red and Dylan bursts out laughing.

After a few minutes I join in laughing.
He opens a mouth to say something as I am still stifling my laughter when we hear a twig break. And we both gi silent and stand up.

I feel mt hands begin to shake in nervousness and my eyes begins to blacken but then I fell my self get hit with something leathery.

"Don't change on me now? Im in my best element." He orders as he pushes me back with the wing he just hit me with a trys to block me with it. And more foot steps echo out.

And then he walks out.


Okay FIRST OFF I need names for your personalitys. Maybe something short and easy to remember but is good with the personality.

Like Kira for the Physhco.

Please help please.

Phsyco name???-comment here please.

Bipolar name???- PLEASE COMMENT.

Sadistic Male name??? Just comment. Please. But I had an idea for this one. I was thinking something along the lines of Grayson, gray for short or Harsh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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