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"Im feeling lost and don't really know where to go now.
I dont really have a pla-"

I groan as I roll back over into my previous position after cutting off the alarm.

Then I bolt up. I hope my parents unlocked the door I have a test today with a teacher I hate and he will fond a way to fail me if I don't do everything absolutely right. I swear he hates me for no reason.

I run quietly towards the door and turn the knob.

The door opens and I let out a sigh of relief barely acknowledgeing the blood on the side of the door or even on my curtains.

All I did was quickly get into the shower and do the rest of my morning routine in the bathroom.

After debating on long sleeves or Jacket I just threw a hoodie on over my bra and ran out the door. Then I caught something out of the corner of my eye.

I slowly turn and face the folded peice of paper and pick it up.

You should smile more.

That was all it said. Nothing more. Nothing less. But if wasn't anyone's handwriting I know. Which kinda freaked me out to be honest. But It did look kinda familiar.

But then my phone alarm wnet off so I shoved the note into my back pocket, sprinted into the kitchen, grabbed my self a water bottle than ran out the door just in time to get on the bus hearing the usual.

"Freak!" Auston, the main bully that always started it, yelled.

"Emo whore!" Emily, the one who has no right to say that since she was one her self, called out.

"Why are you still alive?!" Michael, my ex bestfriend and boyfriend yelled he broke up with me for Emily but they only had a one night stand, sneered out as I passed his seat.

All I did was ignore them and hope I did well to day in school and my parents would be kinder when I got home.

~Time skip to after School.

As I was walking home many cop cars and ambulances flew past me.

I prayed that everything was okay and slowly mad my way home with one of my earbuds in my ears and my hood up.

When my house came into view I froze.

All the cop cars and ambulances I saw, they were heading to my house. I gasp and suddenly sprint off towards the house only for a police officer to stop me.

"Ma'am, please go home we have all of this under control." He says calmly while trying to push me awag.

"This is my home! I live here!" I scream out causing several people to look at me, but I don't care right now. Right now i want to know why all these emergency vehicles are here.

"You are (Y/n) (L/n) then, correct?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yes! I am I was born (Day/month/2001)" I say so he can have more proof i am me.

"Okay. Please come this way." He orders and pulls the police tape up so we can go under it.

"Mr. Charles! She's here." The officer I am following said and a older looking officer turns and looks at us.

"Misses (L/n), correct?" He questions in a deep voice and I nod my head in respect and answering his question as I looked around with my anxiety high.

"Im sorry to be the one to inform you," he begins. "But last night your parents were murdered and we found blood in your bedroom. Was you or was you not at home last night?"

"I was sir, but my parents locked me in my bedroom last night I couldn't have possibly done it!" I said in disbelief with my eyes wide and my mouth open in shock. How could they honestly think that I would murder my own parents! I wouldn't do that, okay.... maybe.

"We're you or we're you not aware that your parents have been dead since last night?"

"No sir." I reply through gritted teeth since I was getting aggravated with the questions already.

"Okay. We are going to have to bring you in for further questioning. Please go pack a bag for now and someone will help you move the rest of your stuff if proven innocent." He orders.

I nod my head because I know if I open my mouth, nothing pleasant is going to come out of it. And like my mother always said. 'Don't say anything if you have nothing nice to say.'

As I make my way upstairs a plan starts forming in my head, although it is most definitely a death wish, It is not going to stop me from doing it.

I hurry to my room and pack my favorite any most comfortable clothes that will be good for any season. I grab my stuffed animals and my favorite blanket. I also grab my grandparents wedding rings and take a charm of a chain necklace and put the rings on it instead.

I also grab the knife I got for my birthday a two days ago and tuck into my waistband.

The last thing I grab is random food that I had hidden in my room just in case I got locked in her for a long amount of time with no food.

I looked st my window and mentally cursed because of the bars.

Time to head to the guest room since there are cops in my parents room. I thought as I cracked the door open and made sure no one was in the hall wall the quickly but quietly rushed towards the guest room and smirked since I saw no one in here either.

But not for long if I don't hurry. I thought in frowned.

Strapping the backpack real good and making sure the knife was okay I rushed to the window, opened it, jumped out, and then I ran



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