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I look up at him in shock.

1 reason why- where da fuck dat come from.

2 reason why- I didn't see him that way. When ever I looked or thought about him, it was brotherly and nothing more.

"Oh." He mumbles and looked away, taking my shocked face and silence as a no. And to be honest, it would have if he didn't make the face he just made.

It was completely heartbreaking. He looked so miserable and embarrassed, so I forced a smile onto my face.
"O-Of course." I say trying to make my smile as real as possible.

He looks at me with his face slightly less heartbreaking and tears of hope in his eyes.

"Really?" He mumbles.

"Of course." I say agian with a smile but on the inside I was already crying.

"Cool." He says with a smile and wipes at his tears with the sleeve of his jacket.

"I got to go now." He mumbles while kissing my forehead.

"Ok." Was all I said trying to keep my smile on my face.

I watched as he walked towards the door and left

Then I let all the tears fall. I didn't like Ben like this, to be honest I hardly know him. Then I realized I was crying agian and began crying harder because I hated myself for all the crying I have done lately.

Then I heard the door open agian and I perk my head up slightly to look at Jeff slipping in with a frown on his face.

"So you and Ben?" Was all he said not even leaving the door, just standing by it.

I just looked at him. If only he knew what I was thinking. If only he knew I didn't like Ben like this but as a brother instead.

Then he noticed my tears and his face softened as he rushed to my side ands brushed my tears away with his thumbs.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks in a whisper.

I wimper as tears continues down my face.

"P-Promise not to t-tell?" I ask since I knew I had to tell someone because if I didn't I would end up hurting myself.

" I swear I won't." He says with a nod of his head.

"I d-don't like B-Ben like th-this. I like him in a b - brotherly w-way." I say in sniffles.

"Then why did you say yes?" Jeff asked confused.

"I d-don't know. His face was j-just completely heartb-breaking." I say and try to wipe my own tears away, but Jeff stops me again and does it for me.

I hear him slightly growl and curse under his breath something about Ben just wanting to win or something. but then he smiles sweetly at me.

"No worries (Y/n)." He says with a nod and sits back in the same chair he sat in earlier, the one in which ben asked me out in. I gonna burn that fucking chair. I thought as I glared at it.

(Should I make an extra chapter just about you burning and torturing the chair... or nah.)

We ended up talking about the show The walking dead.

(Don't worry if you haven't seen it your just talking about thw two guys.)

"So do you like Daryl you Rick?" Jeff asks while he climbs up into the bed beside me as I make room for him.

"I'm definitely a Rick girl." I said with a tired laugh.

"Course ya are." He says also laughing.

"How about you," I say. "Carol or Maggie." I aks.

"Definitely Carol, she is such a badass." He says and we both laugh.

"Course ya are."I say sleepily mocking what he said to me and lay my head down on his shoulder.

"Don't copy me." He says blankly.

"Dont copy me~" I say trying to hold back a laugh.

"Im serious?" He says but it sounds more like a question.

"Why so serious?"I say and gently touch his scarred face.
"That's not funny..." he says with a frown as he rolles over onto his side to face me making my head fall off hjs shoulder.

"Yas it is..." I mumble and cuddle up to Jeff's chest as he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Good night..." I mumbled hardly awake now.

"Yes sweetheart, go to sleep." He says and pulls me closer towards his chest.

**jeffyos p.o.v
-》-》AN- (me)- Anybody wants some Jeffyos?
(JEFF)- What the fuuck...?

As soon as I made sure she was alseep I slip out of the bed, ignoring the fact that I didn't want to. And I head upstairs.

"Hay." Ben says while looking at me with a smirk.

I look at him with the Dont fucking talk to me I completely despise you look.

"Oh~ Your mad cause I stilled your girlll~"

"Learn some grammer," Jack said as he walked by with a kidney in hand. "It's Stole you girl." After he finished his sentence he walked off but neither Ben nor I payed attention to our grammer.

I growl as he says he stole my girl.

"You just wanted to win rhe damned challenge."

Then I stop. She wasn't mine in the first place... so I'm jealous of Ben for once.

Ben then suddenly laughs really loudly. "I knew you would like her!" He says still howling in laughter. "That's why I asked her first. And yes, so I could also win the damned challenge. " He says and I pounce om him like a tiger pouncer on her prey.

"What did you say?" I growl out in a very deep but quiet voice.

"You heard me." He says with a laugh. "I stole her from you because I knew you would be jealous and so I could win." He finishes and his eyes kinda soften in hurt, but I don't care.

Every knows Ben is "secretly" gay and has a MAJOR crush on me and Dark link. Which always was weird. Expessialy when he asked me out.

"Your just jealous!" I yelled suddenly and slamed his head onto the floor, in which he just laughs at.

"Who knows Jeff." He begins. "I think your the jealous one."

Jeff the Killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now