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*3 week after Rodney got out of the hospital *

Armando POV

"Ayo this shit getting outta hand pops." I told my dad as he sat at the desk. "I know I'm trying to find another way on how I can take these guys out son." He said leaning back in his chair. "We need to find out fast I heard they killing niggas from yo mob. They already shot Rod and stabbed Trav two of your closest workers to you. And that way too close to Mani so we gotta figure something out before she's next." I told him as he shook his head. "I know exactly who they are and if they lay a hand on my daughter I'll kill them with my bare hands." He said standing.  "Alright so here's what we can do. Have my people from PR handle this. Lets say I act like I don't know what they're doing send them on a trip and they never come back because they'll be dead." He said rubbing his hands together. "And just Incase they try some funny business I'll have shooters everywhere around the house. Places they won't even notice." He said grinning up at me as I nodded. "Cool that'll work." I said nodding. After that I went over to rods house to check up on my sister and him. I got to the security gate and buzzed in. "It's Mando." I said as Emani buzzed me in. I haven't seen her in a while it's crazy I almost forgot I had a sister. I drove in parking my car behind hers then getting out knocking on the door. She opened it smiling big. "Mandoo." She said hugging me. "Wassup sis how you feeling?" I asked her as we pulling away from the hug. "I been Alright busy with Rodney." She said sitting on the couch. "Your dude cool with that?" I asked her as she rolled her eyes. "We on a break right now anyway." She said shrugging her should. "Awww shit here y'all go again." I joked as she smacked her teeth. "Where that nigga Rodney at? How he holding up?" I asked sitting on the couch next to her. "He's doing better he's starting to do a lot more on his own I'm so proud of him and my self." She said smiling. "That's good, That's good. I'm glad to see you." I told her. "I'm glad to see you too I almost forgot I had a brother." She said laughing. "Yo I just said that to myself earlier and was like I gotta come see you." I told her as we laughing. "Who is that?" Rodney said coming down the stair. "The police nigga." I said standing up laughing. "You wild. Wassup." He said dapping me up with his good arm. "Damn bro they got you good huh." I said looking at his bruised arm and his stomach wrapped. "Yea man I'm alive though them pussies can't kill me." He said laughing sitting next to Mani. They weird but they vibe together so well.



Rodney POV

I been coming along real good with the help of Emani. I'm finally walking by myself feels like it's my first time in forever walking like my normal self again. "Mani can I talk to him for a second it's about business." Mando asked her as she looked at him like he had two heads. "Uh no especially about business I need to be here." She said eating some yogurt. "Gimme some." I said looking at her as she held he spoon to my mouth. I ate it off her spoon as she laughed. "What y'all got going on weirdos." Mando said shaking his head. "Anyways it's important Emani I need to discuss it with him." He said while she ignored him. "Ight Whatever She ain't gone talk anyway but what is it?" I asked him. "Ight, so my pops bout to handle these punks. He gone send them to PR for some fake business and his mob there gone take em out." He said as I nodded. "Ok did you talk to daddy about getting them out of that shit?" Emani said finishing it. "Nah I can't do that." He told her as she scoffed. "Why are you in it too?" She asked. "Nah, hell nah and that's why I can't." He said to her as she nodded. "Yea that's cool and all but what he gone do about all the stolen shipments they got?"I asked him. "Oh he ain't worried bout that shit he got plenty where that came from." Mando said waving it off. "Wait if he cares so much about keeping you alive then why wouldn't he let you out?" Emani asked me. "He wanna keep us alive to sell his shit obviously." I told her as she smacked her teeth. "Well can he just get more people." Emani said with an attitude. "He could. But he won't."  Mando said. "Bullshit he let  Carlos stay out why can't you get out?" She said drinking water. "Cause I'm better than him. You should know that by now." I joked laughing as she rolled her eyes. "Just let it go man." I told her as Mando stood up. "Ight y'all that's all I need to tell y'all and I wanted to check up on my sis I'll see y'all later be safe out here." He said walking out of the door as it auto locked back.

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