Oh Sh*t

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(Changed Emani character)^^

Emani POV



"Emani getcho ass up." Carlos said for the third time. "Carlos leave. Me. Alone. I just wanna stay in today." I said sitting up slowly. "Nah you been sleep all day and plus you  I ain't shot you in a while." He said getting dressed. "Ok so? Where you going anyway?" I asked stretching rubbing my eyes. "Look man you coming or not?" He asked grabbing his keys. "Fine damn." I said with an attitude sliding on some shorts and an orange tube top brushing my teeth and washing my face. I grabbed my orange jelly sandals and orange shades ready to. I went to the car getting in. I tucked my feet under my butt laying my head on the console.  I be having mean ass cramps during my cycles so I just sleep it off as long as I can. After a while he got in starting the car. "What's wrong with you?" He said rubbing my back before driving. "Cramps that's why I was sleeping for so long." I told him moving his hand off me. "You want me to take you to get some medicine or something?"  He asked as I lifted myself up getting in my seatbelt. I nodded putting my shades on. He pulled out the driveway had towards the pharmacy. "You hungry?" He asked. "No Carlos I don't feel like talking." I said laying my head on the window holding my tummy. "Ok damn I don't need your attitude." He said smacking his teeth. "I don't have an attitude you just keep asking me questions like I'm dying or some shit." I said looking over at him as he focused on the road. He turned the music up and I turned it back down because the vibration from the bass of it made me feel even sicker. "Really?" He said looking at me. "Yes really that make my stomach hurt even more." I said laying my head back down.  He parked in the parking lot of the pharmacy. "What you want outta here?" He asked putting the car in park. "Some pain relievers a Snapple and some chips please thank you." I said laying my head on the console again as he got out going inside the store. My phone ring causing me to groan.  "Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller Id. "Where you at lil homie?" I heard it was Rodney. "The store why what's up?" I asked. "Nothing just checking on you you sound sick." He said. "I am." I responded weakly laughing. "Oh nahh you cant chill with me today I don't want what you got." He said laughing. "Trust me you cant get what I got." I said laughing. "Ohhh got it got it." He said understanding what I was talking about. "Well Ight call me when you get home be safe homie and Mia said hey homie." He chuckled. "Awww tell her i miss her and I'll see her soon." I said with a smile on my face. "Wowww you fake but Ight I'll let her know I'll talk to you later though." He said. "Alright bye." I said hanging up laying my head back down.



Carlos POV

I looked around the store looking around for the pain relievers she needed. "Ayo Where y'all keep the pain pills at?" I asked the cashier as he pointed to the the isle it was on. I got them then grabbed her drink and chips putting them on the counter. I checked my phone as he ringed the stuff up seeing a message from her.

Crybaby💙😅: and a Snicker please thank you baby☹️❤️

I shook my head laughing grabbing a snickers putting it on the counter giving him the money for it then going back to the car. I knocked on the window for her to unlock it. She unlocked it and I got in, she had the ac on max. "Damn why you got it so cold like that." I asked her handing her, her stuff. "Because it's hot you don't see me sweating?" She said struggling to open the pill bottle. "No and let me see it." I said taking the bottle from her popping it open as she opened her drink. She took two pills and laid her head on the window. "Why you won't just get in the back seat and lay down?" I asked her pulling out of the parking lot. "Cause I wanna be closer to you." She said smiling with her eyes closed. "now you wanna be close to me when you ain't want me to touch you or say nothing to you not too long ago." I said laughing as she grabbed my hand. "But I love you." She said laughing. "I love you too baby." I told her as I drove to the photo shoot studio parking in front of the doors. She ain't seen it finished yet but she will now and hopefully she will. "Carlos why we here and this place still a mess." She said looking at me as I turned off the car. "Just get out and find out." I said opening her door for her. "I'm not bout to be here for long it's gone be in and out." She said slowly lifting herself out of the car. I closed her door behind her then we walked up to the door of the building. "Ok close your eyes." I told her as she smacked her teeth. "See I don't have time for this I could be sleep right now." She said as I went behind her and covered her eyes. "Now walk." I told her guiding her into to the pitch black building. I removed my hands from her eyes cause I couldn't see my damn self. "Ow fuck what is that? Carlos. Uhuh I hit my toe on something." She whined leanings on me. I finally found the light a turned it on. "Oh my gosh what? When? And how?" She asked turning around too fast and accidentally hitting me in my eye. "Ow fuck." I said holding my eye and she covered her mouth trying not to laugh at the same time. "Oh shit I'm sorry babe I didn't mean too." She said laughing trying to move my hand. "Haha it's funny?" I said looking at her through my other eye. "Let me see? I did hit you pretty hard you should work on your reflexes." She joked laughing harder. "Move bruh." I said trying not to smile at her laugh. I sat in the chair at the computer desk. "Bae let me see it. And I'm not you bruh." She said calming her laughing down still exploring the studio. "Nah I'm good." I said blinking as my vision slowly returned. "Damn you whacked my ass." I said laughing rubbing my eye as she laughed. "I know I am so sorry." She said hugging me. "Whatever look around." I said laughing. "I did while you was sitting and I seen that that's what I hit my toe on." She said pointing at the light. Her phone started to ring in my pocket. I remembered I put it in there from when it fell out while she was getting out of the car. I looked down at it seeing "Homie". "Bae who your homie?" I asked her as she looked at me and went back to playing with the lighting in the room. "Hello? Who is it?" I asked again with no response still. "Ight I'm bout to answer and see myself."  I said as she walked up to me trying to take her phone from. "move Bro you real deal making me mad you acting like you hiding something." I said standing up holding the phone as high as I can. "Carlos give me my damn phone. I'm not hiding anything and stop acting like that." She said crossing her arms looking at me. "Ight bet." I said handing her her phone back as I walked out of the building getting into the car. "You acting stupid as fuck for no reason." She said slowly easing  into the car trying not put any pressure on her stomach. "I'm acting stupid as fuck? Yea Iiight." I said driving off heading back to the house.  "Ok Carlos I'm not about to do this." She said waving me off. "Don't, and tell that nigga he better find a new homie." I said stopping at a red light. "Carlos shut the fuck up." She said rolling her eyes. "You think it's a game don't you? Like always when I show yo ass I don't wanna hear nothing bout me hurting your feelings bro." I said driving on the back road towards the house. "And what that supposed to mean?" She asked looking at me as I shrugged my shoulders. "Boy please don't get slapped you being so damn insecure so what if I have a guy as a friend. Dont you got Lindsey?!" She semi yelled. Lindsey is one of my friends from Atlanta who moved to Memphis our junior year in high school. We been cool through out the ups and downs in me and Emani's relationships but I ain't never seen her as someone I wanted and I don't think she seen me in that way either. "Ight Emani it's dead now leave it alone." I simply said pulling into our community. "No you was just down my back about it so let me be down yours about your lil girl friend." She said as I parked in the driveway getting out. "Stop playing victim you the one hiding shit." I said unlocking the house door as she stormed in going upstairs. I went upstairs also hearing her slam the door.

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