How Could This Be?

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Rodney POV

I sat in the office in the trap waiting for the new leader of our business since my step dad didn't want me risking my life becoming the new leader. I respect that all the way because there's a lot more on this world I need to accomplish and people that actually fuck with me. "Hello son." The man said sitting in the chair my step dad used to sit in. "What's up." I told him as he took out something that looked like important papers. "I'm Mr.Diaz." He told me holding his hand out for me to shake his as I did. "Rodney, nice meeting you. Now let's get down to the real shit." I said rolling up a blunt. "I like your attitude son here's some papers I need you to give to Juanito Lopez. He knows why." He said handing me the paper. "What am I? the news carrier? Ight Whatever, where's the snow?" I asked him shaking my head at the paper. "Exactly, when you give Juanito these papers you got the snow kid." He told me as I took a hit of the blunt as I read the papers. "Ight." I said texting Emani. "Who's the girl?" He asked me noticing I was smiling at the phone. "How'd you know? her names Emani." I told him as he looked at me as if he knew something. "Emani? Emani What?" He asked me still looking weird. "Why all these questions?" I asked him becoming annoyed. "Nah I gotta daughter named Emani. Emani Lewis." He said as I looked at him. "Yea thats her name." I told him. Now I see why she looks mixed her dad is Puerto Rican. "What are you to her?" He asked me becoming more concerned. Him being her dad I thought maybe he would know. "We cool." I told him sitting back in the chair. "Listen, you being in the game you have to be very careful with who show off. Now this is my daughter we talking about here. you keep her safe." He said turning around in his chair facing the other way. He a weirdo and suspicious but I understand him for being protective over his daughter but trust me I got her. I did everything I had to do then just sat in the car.

Emani😍: come get me please?😁

Rodney😬: wya?

Emani😍: home!

Rodney😬: on my way

After I sent the text I started the car back up heading to her house. Her dude left a couple of days ago and it's just been us chilling the whole time. I nodded to the music playing. I turned it down getting a call from Emani. "What's up." I answered. "Where you at?" She asked through the phone. "I'm right around the corner why?" I asked her. "Just asked Where." She told me as I pulled into her driveway. "Come outside." I told her as she hung up. Rude ass didn't even respond. She came out is a blue and white striped sun dress that hugged her waist and her hair wet in a ponytail on the side. "I like how your rude ass just hung up on me." I told her as she got in the car. "You was here now I can respond." She said laughing. "Nah don't." I told her as she continued laughing. "I met your dad for the first time today." I said ask she looked at me as if I was joking. "Haha, nice one." She said laughing. "What's funny?" I asked her smiling. "Boy you lying because I haven't even met him my damn self." She said still laughing as my laughter came to an end. "What you mean?" I asked her as she looked at me noticing I'm not joking. "Wait. How you even know he's my dad you never even seen his my dad looked." She said as focused on the road. "Well I was texting you and you said something funny so I laughed and he asked me who was I texting and I told him this girl named Emani then he said your full name and I said yea he told me you're his daughter." I explained to her as her mouth fell ajar. "Oh my god." She said rubbing her temples. "What?" I asked as she closed her eyes. "You play too much Rodney don't play with me like that." She said still not believing me. "I'm not playing I swear this time." I told her as I parked in the driveway. "I don't know what to believe." She said blinking quickly trying not to cry. "What you crying for?" I asked her. "I don't know I'm in shock right now like what the fuck. When did he ever come back down to Memphis and for what?" She questioned to herself. I didn't wanna tell her that her dad is a drug lord now because she already don't like me being in the game so it'll be worse if it's her dad. " I don't know." I said to prevent any questions about how I met him. I pulled up to my house getting out with her. We both walked to my door as it began raining. "What else did he say to you after that?" She asked as I opened the door letting her in. She sat on the couch resting her head on her hand. "Why you freaking out?" I asked her she looked stressed within 39 minutes. "Even though I never met this man he's not a good person." She told me shaking her head. "Why you say that he don't seem that bad to me." I told her turning on the tv. "No he is, he did my mama so wrong before they had me." She said looking at me. Damn I would've never thought that how happy her mother is. "Damn sorry for asking." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "You plan on meeting him?" I asked her. "I do and I have so many questions for him." She said nodding. "I mean, I can take you." I told her as she looked at me. "Thanks but I would have be alone." She told me. "See nah not happening I don't really trust him he seem fishy." I said shaking my head. "Why?" She asked facing me. "Well he too many questions just like you." I said as she laughed. "I don't know if I wanna meet him." She said shaking her head. "Don't let me stop you from meeting ya blood homie."I told her as she nodded. "I don't know homie." She said as I laughed my lingo rubbing off on her. "Well it's your decision you let me know Ight?" I said lifting her chin up. "Head up homie." I told her as she smiled. "I want to when can you take me?" She asked as I looked at her. "Quick decision thing is we gotta meet me somewhere I don't know exactly where he lives." I told her as she nodded in understanding. "Ok but when?" She asked again. "I gotta see I'll text him." I told her pulling my phone out of my pocket. "No. Not yet." She said holding my hand while it was in my pocket still. Now she confusing me. "Ok you obviously not ready." I told her laying down on the couch.



Emani POV

"I don't know if I am Rodney it's scary and confusing." I said laying the opposite way in the couch with my feet on his legs. "I see but one day you gotta just do it." He said grabbing my feet looking down at me. "I know maybe I should talk to my mom to see if she's ok with it out of respect. What do you think." I said looking up at the ceiling. "Yea I agree." He said looking at the tv. I sat up staring at him causing him to look up at me. "What?" He asked. "How did you meet him?" I asked as he wiped his hands down his face sitting up. "Ok you won't like it but I work for him now. He took over for my dad because my dad wants to stay in Florida. But hey at least they giving me this house and I have it to myself." He told me trying to bring the positive out of the negative. "You know what I can't even react anymore Who next my mama." I told him shaking my head as he quietly laughed. This is crazy first Carlos and Rodney now my own fucking dad. "Listen everything is gonna be fine." He told her grabbing my hand. The thing about Rodney is that he's such a gentleman with women but cold blooded when it comes to his money or family. I wonder does he treat other girls like this because we're only friends and he's willing to do so much for me. He's an amazing friend and I don't even ask him for nothing. "I think I'm ready." I said playing with my necklace with a C on it. He looked down at it shaking his head. "Fuck it." He said causing me to look at him confused. "Rod-" I was stopped by our lips connecting once again butterflies filled my stomach and I didn't pull away this time. After the kissing ended we both licked our lips at the same time looking at each other. "Rodney you can't ke-" I started as he interrupted again. "Nah I ain't hiding it no more." He said laughing but I wasn't because Carlos is literally glued to my mind. "Listen I wanna be with you but I can't be with you publicly." He said to me. "What does that even mean? For them hoes right?" I said leaning back on the couch. "Nah for your safety and you don't wanna be with me anyway you got ole boy." He said pointing at my necklace. He's right I do got him and I feel like I'm fucking it up by even being around Rodney. "Ok then let's just be friends no more kissing me out of no where." I said crossing my arms. "Ok that's cool but you know I got mad love for you." He said smiling at me causing me to smile. It's so wrong but it feels so right. "Ima call up ya pops and see when you can meet him." He told me pulling out his phone. "Don't call him my pops we don't know if it's him." I told him as he looked for the number. "Yo you look just like this man he's just way lighter but everything else is the same." He explained to me as I pictured him in my head. "What's up Mr.Diaz?" He asked putting it on speaker. "Yea what's up you moved everything?" He asked Rodney as he looked at me rolling my eyes. "Yes but that's not what I called for I'm calling because of Emani she wants to meet you but she's afraid." He told Mr.Diaz on the phone. "Oh shit, well I rather her speak to her mom first but it's ok with me I'm looking forward to meet her." He said as I semi smiled.  "Ight cool she's gonna check up on her mom  and we'll call you right back." Rodney told him before hanging up the phone. "So?" He asked looking down at me. "Ima call her." I said looking at tv. "Ok call her now why not?" He said shrugging his shoulders. "Fine I just know she's gonna say she's not comfortable with it yet." I said shaking my head. "Well at least try." He told me handing me my phone. "Fine whatever." I said snatching the phone dialing my moms number. "Hey mommy." I said smiling. I haven't talked to my mom since she left for The business meeting in New York. "Hey baby I miss you." She said sounding excited. "I missed you too bestie but I need to talk to You about something important." I told her while looking at Rodney. "Well What is it? You know I'm all ears." She replied waiting for me to tell her. I took a deep breath hoping she would understand. "Well.. My dad, he's back in Memphis and, I wanna meet him but if you don't want me to I won't mommy." I said as the other end became silent. "Are you sure baby? You really want to meet this man?" She asked sounding nervous. "Yes I just have so many questions for him. Rodney says I look just like him." I told her as she laughed a little. "You do honey. If you feel like you ready then go for it baby. Just be careful and call me when you do." She told me. "Thank you mommy I love you so much." I told her. "I love you more sweet pea. I gotta get back to this meeting bye bye." She said before hanging up. "Ugh I miss my mom." I said closing my eyes laying my head back on the couch. "I see I text him he said tomorrow after you get from school. It's that ok?" He asked. "Yea you taking me tomorrow?" I asked him as he looked at me. "If you want." He said standing up stretching. "Ok I'll be ready around 3." I told him as he nodded. He's becoming more of a friend to me, friend with strong ass feelings for me..






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