What now

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Rodney POV

"Trav load up." I told him through the phone. Today is the day we meet up with Richard to go through with the plan on taking out the niggas that tried killing us. It was 1:45 in the afternoon and Emani was still sleeping I'm guessing that's apart of getting better for her. I took Mia to Ms.Lewis house for the weekend because she wanted her. Then I went straight to Richard crib to sort shit out. I'm tired of waiting and my anger issues acting up. I got to his place getting out making sure nobody seen me. I knocked on the door as he opened it letting me in. "What are you doin here?" He asked. "I want in on this." I told him as he scoffed. "No way, they know you're close to my daughter, and if you die she has no one to protect her when her brother's not around." He told me puffin on a fat ass cigar. "You right that's why I'm not gonna die." I said laughing. "No way." He repeated. "Why I'm actually ready to work now nigga and you don't want me to." I said getting annoyed. "You wanna help? Hell by taking care of my fucking daughter and your little sister and I'll still pay you because she means the world to me, you keep her safe you keeping getting pay." He told me as I shook my head. I felt like it was wrong to take money like I'm babysitting her but then again bills don't pay themselves.  "Ight I don't feel right taking money to watch her. Like she a child." I told him. "Take it or leave it but I'm telling you now if you leave it, and my daughter gets hurt in anyway I don't care if it's just a broken nail, I'm coming for your ass." I said taking a puff of his cigar. I ain't never scared but I'm not about to risk mine or her life. "I'm taking it but for her." I told him taking the 2 g's. "Good choice my friend don't worry Trav is doing the same thing with Chyna." He said turning back round in his chair. "Ight I'm out." I said walking out of his office going outside to my car getting in. I drove out of his community heading jack to my crib since I been gone all morning and I know Mani and Mia looking for me, well at least I think. I'm that person that be mad for a little then be be like fuck it, hell. I be expecting other people like that but that ain't always the case, for example Emani. I decided to stop by McDonalds to get them some breakfast then head home. I parked turning the car off seeing Mia playing outside with her dolls and Emani combing on of the doll's hair. I say in the car for a little then finally, I got out walking up to the porch where they were. Mia jumped up smiling at me then giving me a hug. "Where you been brother?" She asked me. "I was busy lady bug, what you been up to today?" I asked her picking her up. Emani just looked up at me then looked back down at the doll. "I been playing dolls with Mani." She Told me messing with my beard.  "Oh that's good lady bug." I said tickling her putting her down. "I got you something to eat." I told Mia as she took the bag and went into the how quickly. "What's your problem?" I asked Emani sitting in the chair across from her leaning my elbows on my knees looking at her. Shrugged her shoulders not saying anything combing through the doll hair still. I took it from her as she sighed and rolled her eyes. "You acting up." I said laughing. "I'm not I'm just not saying anything to you so you won't snap like usual." She said not making eye contact at all. "You be the one snapping for the smallest shit." I said brushing my waves. "I'm the one wh- you know what you right let me hush." She said laughing. She doin the most as always. "Nah say Whatchu gotta say." I said moving my chair closer to her.



Emani POV
He moved closer to me waiting for me Slick remark he knew was coming. "No I ain't gotta say nothing." I said. Sometimes he starts to make me so mad when he get mad to the point where I don't wanna even make eye contact. "Ight so why you not looking at me? You think I don't know you by now?" He asked me as I laughed shaking my head. "Nope cause if you did you would've known why, this happens all the time for the same reason." I said going into the house. "You went to get Mia from your moms?" He asked changing the subject. "I did." I simply said sitting on the bed. "She coming to get her in a little she taking her shopping." I told him laying back. "Cool." He said taking his shirt off putting it in the hamper. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He laid on the bed next to me just looking. "Why are you staring at me? You got a damn problem." I said turning the other way. "I need to talk to you." He said as I scoffed. "Whatever Rodney you Just want me to talk to you." I told him. "Nah Emani I'm dead ass right now we need to talk because if you find out on your own you gone be pissed at me." He said as I stayed quiet for a second sitting up facing him. "What?" I asked looking at him. "Ight so ima be straight up with you." He started as I listened. "Your dad paying me to keep you safe and I told him you ain't gone like this shit at all." He said as I raise my top lip and my eyebrow. "Ok so you didn't take the money." I stated. "Well bills ain't gone pay themselves and he saying if anything happens to you I'm dead so." He said shrugging his shoulders. It's like I'm sixteen all over again. "What the fuck is wrong with y'all people." I simply said shaking my head. "I know Em-" I interrupted him. "No you don't know you ain't been treated like a child at this age. Like who the fuck gone possibly come for me if them niggas dead. But whatever." I said waving the whole situation off. At this point I don't really give a fuck they do what they want anyway. After talking to him my phone blinked from a phone call so I answered. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey pretty girl it's Nurse Anderson we a talk have some new for you, you want it over the phone or in person?" She asked me. "I'm not gonna be able to make it in today so over the phone is fine with me." I said confused. "Well it's seems to be that we had to run another test because it would go through for some odd reason." She started. "Oh no is it bad?" I asked her. "No! No honey it isn't." She notified me. "Ok good let me here it." I said waiting for her to answer. "Ok so the reason it wasnt running through is because something was blocking it and every test we did, did the same until we took one test in particular. We made sure we ran it twice just to be one hundred percent right before telling you." She told me beating around the bush. "Ok? Well was is it?" I asked her damn near biting my nail off. "Well you're pregnant congratulations." She said sounding happy for me. My heart instantly dropped to my ass and my mind went completely blank. "Hello? Ms.Lewis? You still there?" She asked as I stared into space. "Y-Yea thanks." I said hanging up. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath thinking about how the fuck Ima tell my mom and Rodney. "What was that about?" Rodney asked me sitting up. "Something I didn't wanna hear till years for now." I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "Like?" He asked concerned. "I'm fucking pregnant Rodney, pregnant." I said shaking my head. "Wait how far?" He asked. "Obviously not that far along." I said shaking my head still. "I'm the dad then." He said putting pieces together. "No shit Sherlock." I said sarcastically. "Aye you need to fix yo attitude I'm still ain't putting with that shit." He said mugging me. "And I'm not putting up with yours either. But this shit is crazy I'm pregnant by my best friend, that doesn't even sound right." I said biting on my lip. "Well I'm baby daddy now." He joked causing me to laugh shaking my head. "Rodney that's not funny." I said whining still smiling. "What? It's true it ain't a bad thing." He said laying back down like everything cool. Well it isn't but it's at the wrong time. "It's not but this isn't the perfect time Rod." I said as he sighed. "You will be ok." He said patting my belly. The doorbell ring and I jumped. "Shit, it's my mom. How am I gonna tell her?" I said following him downstairs to the door. "Just tell her." He said opening the door for her. "Hey y'all where my babygirl?" She said stepping in. "She's in the room but mama I need to talk to you. Well we need to talk to you." I said as Rodney laughed like I had him fucked up. He tried walking away but I pulled him back. We all sat and for some reason I felt like everything left my mind. It's like a whole other way of telling your you having a baby at nineteen with a career of a model. "What is it baby?" My mom asked me. "Well mommy I'm, pregnant." I said as she raised her eyebrow with a smirk on her face. "You don't think I know pregnant when I see it Emani?" She asked me laughing. "What so you're not mad?"  I asked her confused at her reaction. "No because I know you're responsible enough for one now and I knew you were gonna have one but I thought it was gonna he with Carlos, no offense to you you're really good to her and thank you for that. I'm glad it's yours." She told rod as he nodded. He hasn't said anything the whole time we was sitting there. "Well ma you took this better than I thought but I need you to be my mom-manager again." I told her as she nodded. "You know I got you baby I'll post and say you taking a little break for your family." She said pointing at me Rodney and Mia coming downstairs packed and ready to go. "dang Mia you ready to leave us." I said as she hugged me and Rodney then grabbing my moms hand walking out the door. "We'll see y'all in like two days." She said laughing as Mia pulled her outside. "This is not how I expected to get pregnant." I said putting my forehead in the palm of my hand. "Whatchu mean?" He asked me. "Like, this. This wasn't my plans." I explained as he looked at me like I said something stupid. "You mean on accident?" He asked like I said something wrong but it was true. "Well, yes on accident. I didn't wanna be a teen mom."I told him as he waved me off. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing you'll be ok, I gotchu." He said smiling at me. "You're something else you know that?" I told him as he laughed. "I know but you got this we got this, and nah we ain't gotta be together to have a baby in my opinion and if anybody else don't agree fuck em." He said shrugging his shoulders.  "You're right I just didn't think this could happen to me like there's really another human in me, oh my god that mean ima be stretched out so bad." I said as he looked at me and bussed out laugh. "What? I'm being serious." I said looking at him. "Nothing you act like it's supposed to be a dinosaur or some shit." He joked as I smacked my teeth. "If they have your head size they'll be the same weight a dinosaur." I said as he stopped laughing. "That was lame." He said. "Aww I'm sorry! I ain't mean to hurt your feelings enormous head." I said hugging his face. "How you gone hide this from social media and shit?" He asked me. "Now that I think about it fuck if they know." I said shrugging my shoulders. Rodney always made me feel like nobody opinions mattered but ours. "Oh nah you bold now?" He asked laughing. "Been bold sine you came around to be honest." I told him. "Oh but at first you wanted to dub a nigga left and right." He said laughing. "I still am." I joked as he smacked his teeth. "But you're pregnant by me so." He laughed shrugging his shoulders as I laughed. "Shut the fuck up." I said laughing shaking my head. "It's cool how we can make a joke out of a serious situation." I said looking at him as he looked down at his phone. "Yea we always have to keep it positive." He said smiling at me as I smiled back. Maybe it won't be that bad.




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