Werewolves vs. Vampires

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Werewolves vs. Vampires

Marias pov

It was the new school year, there were a lot of new people like 3 new boys Zayn, Liam, and Louis. There is something about them but I don't know. So my name's Maria I have 2 best friends Harry and Niall. We're all seniors. There's something about us that makes us different, we're vampires. We're not like what they say we can go into sunlight, we are not super white, the point is we're different. It was the first day of school I was by my locker when a boy bumped into me. "Ow! Watch where you're going bitch!" "Sorry I don't know what happened, im Zayn" he stuck out his hand " im Maria" I said shaking his hand." Sorry again " he said with his sexy accent " oh um, its okay, so are you new?" I asked "umm yeah me and 2 friends

moved here from Georgia" he said "hey man!" Said someone to Zayn "hey man whats up!" Zayn said "oh im sorry Liam this is Maria, Maria this is Liam" Zayn said " hi so you guys live together?" I asked "yeah, but we're not gay or anything just so you know ;) " Liam said. "Liam do you have to hit on every girl we meet!?" Zayn said " No but you never know..." Liam said. "Hey beautiful!" I heard Harry behind me " oh hey harry!" I said as I hugged him. "Are you guys dating?" Zayn asked "no! He is just a friend!" I said "oh stuck in the friend zone huh!" Liam said to Harry I just rolled my eyes. Then we hear arguing coming I see that its Niall and some other guy. "You better shut the fuck up new guy!" Niall said "woah man calm down!" Harry said "um who's this?" "Oh this is Louis he is one of my friends" " hi" I said "woah aren't you hot!" Louis said "what the fuck!" I said "Louis!" Zayn said "sorry he is just--" " its ok-" I got cut off by the bell " so we'll see each other in lunch?" Harry asked "sure man" Liam said

Later in lunch...

I was so thankful that it was lunch I was so hungry!! I use my vampire powers so humans will see me eating a sandwich while im actually drinking blood. We met up with Zayn Liam and Louis even tho Niall hated Louis. "Hey guys" Liam said "hey" I said " I hope you don't mind but I've asked someone to join us " Zayn said " yeah his new girlfriend" Louis laughed " she's not my girlfriend... yet we're just going on a date" Zayn said. "Oooh who is it?" I asked "um a girl named perrie," Zayn said "PERRIE!!"Harry said "yeah whats wrong," Zayn asked. "She is kinda on all of our bad sides" he said pointing to me and Niall,"why?" Zayn asked "cause she used to have a HUGE crush on Harry and they used to date but when Harry broke up with her she became crazy and moved on to Niall and she and I have a bad history, " I said. Then I got fucking dizzy and wanted to throw up I stood up and started breathing fast. Harry noticed and asked if I was okay " Maria are you okay?" Harry asked "mmhmm I mean yeah yeah im okay" I said "looks like my secret is haunting me"i said not thinking " what secret" Zayn asked "yeah what secret?" Harry and Niall asked "umm yeah um lets not think about that" I said " wait you got dizzy want to throw up and a secret... wild guess but you're pregnant!!" Liam said "what!!?!" Everyone said " guys im not pregnant, and plus im still a virgin" I said "really!?"louis said "yeah im not a slut" I said "ohh sorry its cause you're so pretty and yeah..." louis said "its okay"i said "hey guys!Maria!?!" Perrie said "PERRIE!"I said "Maria calm down!" Harry said "ok ok fine!" I said ,the bell ringed and it was time to go to our classes "I'll see you guys later"i said then I ran off.

Later that day after school...

I couldn't wait to get out of school. There was a full moon tonight so I was pretty grumpy. It got dark pretty quick considering its September, I went for a walk in the woods, if anything happens I could protect myself. I was walking when I heard branches breaking. "Whos there!?" I asked no answer. Another crack,"whos out there!?"I said as I hissed,then I screamed as something grabbed me "aahh! Oh my God! Zayn!"I said relived. "Maria what are you doing here?"zayn asked "I came for a walk, what I cant or what!?" I said "yeah you can but not tonight" he said "why not," I said "cause theres a full moon tonight and people get crazy!" Zayn said. Then I noticed Zayn was acting weird "are you okay?" I asked him "huh? Oh yeah im fine listen get out of these woods before anything happens to you!" Zayn said " what about you?" I asked " I'll be fine trust me" he said. I finally decided to leave but I got lost and I felt like I was being watched and I heard branches break again "Zayn?!" I asked no answer then I got tackled "ow!" I said in pain and I looked up and saw a werewolf. I instantly turned into my vampire form I hissed and he growled then he jumped on me and knocked me down I don't know what is happening I've fought before and won but today I was a little bit weak, I gave up and I heard a familiar voice "Liam down boy!" I turned and it was Zayn and I turned back and there was Liam " you're a vampire!?!" Liam said shocked " and you're a werewolf!" I said pretty scared that he was stronger than me " Liam I need to talk to Maria" Zayn said " okay" Liam said "Maria I thought I told you to leave" Zayn said pretty pissed off " well I was leaving but I got lost and I started to run after I felt someone following me" I said " Maria you're a vampire you should be strong " Zayn said , I took a deep breath and I started to talk "okay so in the vampire squad if you are a blood vampire then you are okay but if you get bitten then you will die unless if you were bitten by the vampire lord and im a bitten, I will eventually die and I am getting weaker and weaker each day" I said "sorry but is there something we could do for you?" Zayn asked " yeah but nobody knows but the vampire lord,"I said " well you could talk to him and see what we can do" zayn said " yeah but I dont want to be a vampire its hell" I said "its alright being a wolf is hell too" zayn said "wait you're a wolf too!" I said "yeah me Liam and Louis" zayn said "oh Harry and Niall are vampires too but they're blood vampires" I said "how did you guys meet anyways?" Zayn asked "well I got bitten at 14 and my parents thought I was crazy so they sent me to rehab they put me in the demented area and Harry and Niall were there cause they're foster parents thought they were crazy too" I said "then when we had enough we decided to escape and they never found us "I said "oh thats crazy, me Liam and Louis are childhood friends we've been thru everything when my parents got killed Liams parents took me in and Louis lost his parents to and we took him in then liams parents left and never came back" zayn said and he looked like he wanted to cry. I hugged him and he broke down it seemed weird like the fact that our squads are enemies and we're here hugging. He let go when he was done "lets go its not safe for you here" he said " yeah and I don't have my car so yeah " I said " it's okay I have mine" I laughed "okay" I said. We walked out of the woods and he drove to his house since he cant go to mine.

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