Entry 10

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So yesterday wasn't exactly the best day but it ended ok and me and harry are together again i think.

So blah blah blah so school is crap I want it to burn down, so on and so on.

Text message

Harry- ill be there at 8:00 love so be ready and wear something sexy.

Emmy-ok , Is it ok if Alexis and Chris come? they are just gonna follow us in their car.

Harry- sure see you at 8:00

I run up stairs grab my red one shoulder satin shirt with my black leather pants and my ankle boots with my red stud earrings.

I curl my hair and put a light rim of black eyeliner on with some mascara to make my eyes pop.

I check my phone and I'm right on Time harry texted me that he's out front I spray some perfume on and run down stairs yell goodbye and run out the door slamming it behind me.

Alexis and Chris are in the car behind Harry's.

I wave hi to them and then get in harry's car.

"Very sexy babe I like it"

I usually wouldn't let someone say that but it just felt so right.

"Thanks you look hot too" I say looking at his white cling shirt that shows all of his tattoos and his fresh eyebrow piercing and lip ring that I love.

We drive to this house that looks a little bit like a frat house since there are lots of frat houses here.

We step out and a ton of guys start yelling


"What up styles"

"Harry wazzup"

"Harry lets grab a drink"

"Harry who's the chick"

All these guys are hounding harry like the last slice of pizza. All of these guys are hot and muscular.

once we walk in the smell of vodka and sweat fills the air. there are bras hanging on lamps red cups everywhere and of course people having sex in almost every room of the house.

Alexis walks up to me and says

"So this is a frat party I heard these things get pretty wild".

"Well don't let yourself get to wild remember what happened last time you were drunk".

"Hey that was a while ago and I finally got my shirt back from her house".

I just shook my head and walked away. harry walks over with 2 drinks and hands one to me. I smell it and gag. "what the hell is this" I ask?

"It's a fireball, drink it its good".

I take a sip and it burns so good I am definitely having a couple more.

Harry and I go and dance on the dance floor for like an hour. I'm tired so I sit down next to a really hot guy with lots of tattoos and piercings like harry but he has short black hair. Harry is off getting drinks while I seize the moment and introduce myself.


"Hey I'm Zayn".

"I'm Emmy"

"So what's a sexy girl like you doing here" he says putting his arm on my shoulder.

"I'm here with Harry" I say

"Oh cool, and he didn't mention me"?

"Uh no"

"That bastard"

Harry walks over.

"Who's a bastard"? he says raising an eyebrow.

"You for not mentioning me to your little lady friend here" zayn says winking.

Harry glares at zayn and it gets a little bit awkward.

I slip away from Zayns grip and grab the drink from Harry's hand.

I go to the kitchen to grab something to eat before I get drunk and there she is. Alexis is making out with a random guy so I pull her off of him.

"What are you doing you have a boyfriend" I say holding Alexis.

"He's not..... heeerrree" she slurs.

"Your drunk aren't you"

"I'm just having a good time.....

LETS PARTAAAYYYY" she starts dancing and I just leave her because she is gonna be trashed tomorrow.

I go over to Harry and he's sitting in a circle with his friends and motions for me to join.

"What are you playing"? I ask.

"Seven minutes in heaven you know how to play"?


"Ok who's next hmmm we have fresh meat"!

"Oh I'm Emmy"

"Ok Emmy come pick from the hat since you just started".

I walk up and pick a name thank god I picked harry's name.

"I got harry"

He stands up takes my hand and walks me to the closet it's pitch black and I can't see anything so harry and I sit down and they close the door.

"Ready"? he asks.

"Ya" I say.

He sits back and I straddle his lap and kiss him. We kiss the entire 7 minutes and then there's a knock on the door.

"Ok love birds get out".

"Oh and by the way the names justin".

I stand up fix my clothes open the door and we walk out.

Now it's some girls turn and she gets stuck with another girl but obviously she liked it because they ended up coming out with different clothes than they went in with if you understand what I'm getting at.

Next it's Justin's turn and he gets some slut bag and they go in and she comes out with no top on just her bra so I don't know what went on but these people went farther than me and harry.

A couple more people go most sluttier than the next. Then it's Zayns turn and he picks my name. my eyes widen.

I stand up look at harry and walk to the closet we go in and are silent for a couple seconds

" We can kiss if you want" I offer.

"No it's ok if rather not you have a boyfriend.

"Well he doesn't mind if he asked me to play this game so I dunno".

"We can go farther than kissing if YOU want"

" Uhhh I'd rather not go farther than kissing" I say uncomfortably.

"Ok" I hear shuffling and then he's kissing me I don't really kiss back I don't really know what to do. Finally someone knocks and we exit. Zayn is hot and all but I'm with Harry.

We play a couple more rounds and thank god I don't get picked I just sit and watch and so does harry.

It's like 2:00 am and everyone is starting to pass out drunk so harry and I go looking for Alexis and chris.

Alexis is passed out on the bar without a shirt and Chris well is gonna be in trouble.

Harry found Chris but something looked new Chris got a tattoo on his right butt cheek that's says fuck me.

He's screwed for life.

We move them to a room together and leave we go home and I don't want to go to my house so I sleep at Harry's I sleep in one of his tee shirts.

I fell asleep in his arms and that's where I stayed.


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