Chapter 23 - I Will Always Love You

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"What...What's going on here? Am I.."

"Yes. You are, San." I looked back at Emily who was just bawling over my body. She started doing CPR but it didn't look like it was doing anything. The paramedics came barging in the house and they took over. "Why'd you do it? Why'd you take those pills?"

"I did it because I felt so fucking guilty. I did this to you. I'm the reason that you're dead now, Britt. And I'd do anything to bring you back."

"None of this was your fault." She walked over to me and grabbed me by my hips and pulled me closer to her. "We were never going to have our happily ever after. It wasn't in our destiny."

"Yes it was, Britt. But none of that matters now because I'm here with you."

"You can't stay. You need to go back." I turned towards her. "Don't give me that okay."

"I don't want to go back. We're supposed to be together." She kissed me.

"I know you want to stay but you can't okay San? You can't. You belong down there. You belong with Emily. I'm always going to be here for you. But you can't leave her. She loves you. After all you two have been through, she needs you."

I started to cry. Brittany wiped my tears and smiled. "We'll be together again babe. We will. But this is not how you're gonna go out alright."

"I love you Britt." I wiped my tears.

"I love you too San. And don't be mad at Quinn okay? Me leaving was no ones fault. It wasn't yours either. Please you have to believe me. I cherished every moment with you. Every second of every day that we spent together. You are a person who will achieve great things in your life." She kissed me. "And I'll be right here watching you every step of the way."

I felt a shock in my chest. I looked around. We were in the hospital now. Brittany walked with me away from where my body was to where Emily was in the waiting room. She wasn't alone anymore. Quinn and Rachel were right by her side.

"It's almost time for you to go back."

"Wait. I need to tell you. I'm sorry for shutting you out like I did after we broke up. Ms. Pillsbury explained it to me and showed me the video. I never stopped loving you. You're my person. You are and will always be my first love. Forgive me, please. For not giving you another chance."

"You don't have to apologize, beautiful. Everything happened just the way it was supposed to." One more shock. I felt Brittany's hands on my chest. "It's time for you to go back."

"No not yet I'm not ready."

"But they're ready for you." She kissed me one last time and I grabbed onto her for the last time. "I will always love you Santana. You'll always have me with you don't forget that."

Everything around me got really bright and I watched as the image of Brittany faded away. As the surroundings grew darker I felt lonely. One more shock and I opened my eyes and gasped for air.

"Alright we got her back." The doctor came over to me and was shining a light into my eyes. "Ms. Lopez do you know where you are?"

"The hospital. Where's my girlfriend? I need to see her. Please." The nurses continued looking at the cords I was hooked up to. "Emily?"

I tried sitting up but they pushed me back down onto the bed.

"One of the nurses went to go get her right now okay." I looked to the door and saw her walking to me.

"Oh my God babe!" Emily came over and hugged me. I sat up so that I could hold on to her.

"I'm so sorry, Em. I'm so so sorry. I was stupid and not in the right place and I'm just sorry. I'm sorry I did that to you." She let go of me and grabbed my face.

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