RED 0.1

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[SEUNGMIN] was the day I was feeling a bit...risky. I wanted to dye my hair. Red. My family questioned me, asking why I wanted to dye my hair in the first place.

I just replied with, "I wanted to." Or "Why can't I?" And they just shrugged it off and left me alone. The real reason my hair was soon to be read was because my friend Jisung wanted to dye his hair.

He had asked me if I could do it with him and I couldn't exactly say no. So now I'm on the kind, disgusting road to Jisung's house with red hair dye. I sighed.

"Why did I agree to this?" I murmured to myself.


"Thank goodness Minnie you're a life saver." Jisung said as I entered his house. I sighed quietly while just swooshing my hand.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. But who's gonna do it for us?" I asked. Jisung just nervously smiled which set me in a mode of who the heck is gonna do this for me?

"I'm having a friend do it for us. His name is Minho." Jisung smiled, his hand scratched his nape. Minho..... such a familiar name... oh well.

"Um...okay? When is he coming?"

"i'm here!" Someone, probably minho, screamed from what seemed like the kitchen. Jisung just pointed in that direction and showed his soft smile.

A familiar male figure stepped out of the small kitchen with a candy bar in his mouth. the moment I saw his face I started choking on my spit, "Minho?!"

"Seungmin?!" We both shouted together, shocking the poor confused Jisung who just stood there somewhat awkwardly.

"You guys know each other? Since when?" Jisung asked. We just sent each other a stare and smiled at each other.

"Well why wouldn't I!" Minho smiled, "Afterall, we do live in the same apartment complex!" I just sorta sat there with a big smile as Minho explained everything.

"He's my neighbor. I thought you knew this?" I said at Jisung who just laughed nervously at my comment.

"I have bad memory..."

"Well, let's continue with the hair dye!"


The day was spent dying hair, hanging out and spending time together. Honestly, I I was third wheeling.

Jisung and Minho had their fair share of romantic moments which...I watched in disgust and envy. They're cute together, you gotta agree.

But when it comes to romance, it's not the best thing for me. Those two are just so open about being gay...

I wonder how they do it... I guess it's just cause they're comfortable with each other? But now that has me questioning, when will I find a guy like that for me?

We went our seperate way and I got back to my comfortable home. I took a cute selfie and posted it.

 I took a cute selfie and posted it

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Seungmin.min - I just dyed my hair today!! I really like it! (Don't mind the people in the back)

Like by Squirrel_Han and 1,037 others


Squirrel_Han - You look like a Cherry!
   Kim.Minnie - Wow thanks
   Squirrel_Han - Its true tho!
   Kim.Minnie - Sure

Minhoe - Aww you look cute!
   Kim.Minnie - No I do not
  Minhoe - If you say so

H.Jinnie - you're so pretty 😍😍
   Kim.Minnie - Who the heck-
   Minhoe - why are you here?


After awhile, I got a text from a random person I didn't know.

How do you pull off
the shade red so

I don't even know
you stalker


And off the phone goes. I turned off my phone and decided to do some last minute stuff hair dye stuff.

And last but not least, sleeping!


If I get anything wrong about hair dye, I'm sorry. I'm only a twelve year old that isn't allowed to dye her hair until twenty one or eighteen.


HIS RED HAIR * SEUNGJIN✔️Where stories live. Discover now