RED 0.3

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"WAIT WHAT?!?" Minho shouted, getting the attention from everyone around them.

"Well yea, I wouldn't be so open about that would I?" Seungmin said, in the most obvious voice he could possibly make.

"Be open about what?" Hyunjin asked, scaring Seungmin. Seungmin being the person he is, accidentally punched the poor boy in the face.

"OWWW!!" Hyunjin yelled, dramatically dropping to the floor and grunting. Seungmin just continued to talk to Minho in secret.

"Who do you think I am telling everyone my secrets like that?" Seungmin told Minho in a small, shaky voice. Of course, there was a specific person who heard them, but that's not important.

"Well....I guess." Minho shrugged. He continued to walk around the place.

"So are we still going to Forever 21?" Hyunjin asked. Seungmin just stood there, staring at Minho hoping he'll give the right answer.

"We can, but Seungmin isn't gonna do it. He's probably gonna try to find school supplies." Minho shrugged, Seungmin nodded and continued walking.


They made it to the mall and that's the moment where Seungmin ran off to find his school supplies. Of course, the school supplies was only an excuse but if they were gonna cross dress, that's a big no no.

He looked around and found Target. Ah yes, the perfect place to get some cheap school supplies. Well, sorta cheap supplies.

He looked around and saw these,

He looked around and saw these,

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which he totally loved. He was pondering if he should get it since he thought people would bully him about being gay.

Like before.


KKKKKKKKKKKK yessss idk if the picture came out but....if it doesn't just tell me and I'll put it back on there.

Time finished - September 28 4:30
289 words

HIS RED HAIR * SEUNGJIN✔️Where stories live. Discover now