BLUE 0.2

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I'm not crusty!! 😣😣

Of course you are

You're mean ☹️☹️

That's me

You should be nicer!

How bout no

I gtg anyway bye

Okay bai!! <3


Liked by K

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Liked by K.Minnie, Squirrel_Han, H.Jinnie and 1,634 others

Minhoe - Someone keeps bothering me 🙄


K.Minnie - who me?
Minhoe - surprisingly no
K.Minnie - shocking

Squirrel_Han - who. I will fight them
Minhoe - I don't think they'll be intimidated by a squirrel
Squirrel_Han - I-

H.Jinnie - what happened to having to go
Minhoe - posting doesnt take too long
H.Jinnie - .....sure.


Hyunjin sat on his bed feeling quite empty. Sure he seemed happy and cute online, but in real life? Not so much. He loved to act when he was in front of people.

But when he's at home? Locked in his room. He hates going out even if it was to eat. He hated it. He hated the outside world. He hated almost everyone around him.

However, there was one person who knew about all of this. Chan. The student council president.

One day Hyunjin didn't feel very well. He felt sick of everyone around him, everything in his way. So he went to the student council.

He knew that it'll help him feel alive, feel more hyper. He had heard the student council president was a fun place to be, especially with the sense of humor there.

He walked in and was greeted by the president. Bang Chan.

"Hello, can I talk to you for a bit?" Hyunjin asked shyly.

"Of course." The two then walked to a secluded area and had their talk.

It took them one day to get close to each other. One day to learn almost everything. One day made Hyunjin feel more hyper than ever.

From then on, Hyunjin would often bring his friends to the student council office just to meet and talk to everyone there. That's when he met Minho, as well as dance, Woojin and Changbin.

The other parts of the council didn't really like to socialize with a lot of people, it was more of their jobs.

But one day when Hyunjin visited by himself, something unexpected happened.

"What are we gonna do today?"

"Hmm....I don't know, wanna go to the mall?"

"Sure." The group started to leave.

"Wait! Let me come with you!"


Time finished - September 19 8:14pm
390 words

Ily so much!! <3

HIS RED HAIR * SEUNGJIN✔️Where stories live. Discover now