I apologize

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I cannot for the life of me finish this or even attempt to edit it to make it less shit.

But it would feel wrong to leave this unended, luckily for you all I found an old journal where I had written down 3 possible endings (Apparently it helps to be a hoarder)

Ending 1) Jane, Liam and their kiddos live out the rest of their lives as a normal family after Liam retires. Liam becomes a producer, Jane opens her own bakery that's right next to their family home, and Bear and Cheryl reconnect and become close. Blended family core.

Ending 2) Liam keeps performing even after the group splits up, but it ultimately leads him down a road where he neglects his duties as a husband and father. He basically grows into a man-child. They get a divorce but remain good friends that happen to have like 6 kids together.

Ending 3) They get their own tv show, and have to keep up appearances even after Jane and Liam drift apart. Separate bedrooms when the camera crew is gone, but lovey-dovey as soon as the camera is on. The toxicity of acting makes the kids resent them. Lacy turns 18 and files for full custody of ALL them kids.

You can choose whichever ending you like best.
But once again, thank you all for reading despite this story being written so poorly.
I have grown in my writing abilities and I hope one day a story I wrote will gain as much attention as this fanfic has.
Best wishes my dearest readers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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