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Jane Quinn
I hug Bear closer to my chest when the paparazzi walk by. I'm undercover at the airport, picking up Camilla. I smile as I see her walk out towards the doors. "Camilla!" I shout at her. She turns around and nods when I point to the right.

"Jane!" She says before walking towards us. I hand Bear to Liam just before she hugs me. I hug her back. "Camilla, I missed you so much." I say. "Wait- who's the baby?" She asks as she let's me go. "Don't Tell me you had another one-" She starts but I cut her off. "No, this is Bear. I'm filling in for his real mother as she quit." I say. "Bear Payne?" She asks. "You see the guy holding Bear? That's Liam." I say. She looks behind me and smiles widely.

"Liam meet my younger sister, Camilla. Camilla meet my, uh, my, um." I say looking at Liam. He wraps his arm around my waist. "Her boyfriend." He smiles at her. "Ah! Shipp!" She screams. I laugh at my sister's behavior. But I then turn to Liam.
"Just for now, I'll explain later."

"Hey, I'm Harry." Harry smiles at my sister.

"Watch it Styles." I warn holding Bear as we all walk into a restuarant.

I hear a camera click. I ignore the click and we sit down at a table.

We get our food and here's the funny part. Niall wasn't​ looking at his food, or eating it. "Niall? Are you okay?" I ask putting my fork down. "Y- yeah. That girl over there's just so cute." He says looking at a table behind me. I turn to look and see a girl laughing at something a guy in front of her says.

"She's on a date Nialler." Louis says. "Yeah, I, uh, see that." He says, his face falling. I smile at Niall and turn back to see the guy leave the girl alone. "Niall, go talk to her." I say turning back to him.

"Yeah." He says standing up and walking over to him.
I feel a hand lightly tap my side. I look at Camilla and see Harry leaning in. "Camilla!" I say, making both of them look up. "Come sit on my left." I say. She nods. She's too innocent for him.

Harry gives me a look and I glare. Niall walks back. "He's her brother. Do you guys mind if she hangs out with us tomorrow?" He asks. "Of course not." I answer for everyone. He smiles and sits down. My phone starts ringing. I hand Bear over to Camilla, who instantly starts baby talking to him, and walk to the bathroom. As I enter the bathroom, I answer my phone. "Hello." I say into the phone. "Hello, is this Jane Quinn?" A male voice asks me. "Yes, why?" I ask. "Megan Daniels and Phillip Daniels were just found dead in their home last night. They have a daughter, who apparently is your​ daughter that they adopted 5 years ago?" The person says. I gasp. "This means you have to come get her. You are her birth mother." He says. "When? What? What time?" I ask. "Tomorrow and 3 pm. Is that good?" He asks. "Yeah, I just have to talk to my partner about all of this." I say. "Yes okay. Call me back later if it's okay." He says. "Okay." I say before hanging up. I sigh. I can't believe all of this is happening. I mean, I just told Liam and the guys. What am I going to do? I mean, yeah I can always get a new job and everything but I lost my apartment since I was a live in nanny.
I walk out of the bathroom. "Hey Jane." Liam smiles at me as I sit back down at the table. What an angel. "Liam, I have to talk to you." I say, looking at my feet. "Yeah sure, let's go." He says standing up and walking outside with me, while holding hands.

"So what's up?" He asks smiling. "You know my daughter I told you about? Yesterday her parents were killed. So she has to, um," I say but pause looking down at my shoes again. "Now she has to come live with her birth mother." He finishes for me. "I'm sorry." I say. "No, I understand if you want to move out. Bear will adjust." He says sadly making my head snap up. "What?" I ask. "I know you want to move out." He says looking at me. "Liam, I thought you were going to kick me out." I say. "What? Never!" He says. "So tell me everything." He says. I explain everything and he agrees to go with me tomorrow with Bear to get "Our new daughter." as he said.

Could someone remind me why my life just got flipped upside down like 5 times in less than 2 years.

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