Uh Oh!

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    It was finally the day of my audition and I was nervous. I had my support system with me including Fangs and Toni. But it felt like someone was missing. I pushed away the feeling and walked on stage. The judges seemed scary but I've dealt with worse.
    "What's your name Sweetheart."One of them said
    "My name is Lauren Jones. I'm 16. I'm from a small town called Riverdale."I said before they could ask anymore questions. The music started and I began to sing.

(Skip to 00:30 seconds)
    After they gave me four yeses I ran off stage and into Toni, Betty and Veronica's arms. I seriously wanted to cry. The song I sang reminded me of Sweet Pea.
    "Don't think about him okay you just got 4 yeses on an international televised competition. Okay? Be happy." Toni said as I began smiling again.
    "You're right." I said before Ronnie spoke up, "Let's go celebrate at Pops on me."
    We all agreed and left. We had a plan to look sad when we walk in. When we walked in I noticed Sweet Pea but decided to ignore him. Pop looked at us and seemed afraid to ask.
    "What's the verdict?" He asked trying to be his usual happy self. As soon as the words left his mouth a huge smile broke out on my face.
    " I got 4 freaking yeses including Simon Cowell and he's scary!" I exclaimed so loud I think California heard me. I know for sure I got the serpent in the corners attention, which made me smirk, "and Simon said my audition was quote 'exactly how it should be done'. But they had all the solo slots closed so I'm going to be in a group with four other girls."
    "Can I play your audition episode to keep my diner open?"Pop had asked which made me nod in excitement.
    "If you want I can talk to my new friends who I'm gonna be in the group with and see if they want to perform live." He seemed to love the idea.
    I texted them in our new group chat.
Fifth Harmony chat...
Planet Green 👀: Hey do y'all maybe wanna do a charity concert in my hometown to keep a diner open.
Cami🍌: Sure Lo anything for you💚
DJ🎧: Definitely
Shorty: For sure
Mani⚡️: Okay.
    I smiled at my phone before turning to Pop, "They're in."
    We planned to buy a house together in my hometown since they were coming to be staying for a while. They were coming after Christmas which meant I couldn't go to the Wyrm until I told them about everything. It was they day before they would be coming in 2 days. I had to get everything in order. With Christmas being soon and Kevin having a stupid secret Santa thing I'd have to go to the Northside. Once Jug and I got there I zoned out completely I was thinking of my new group. I had Josie and I waited for her to open it before I had to leave.
    "Lo how the hell did you get this?" She asked with a huge smile on her face.
    "Oh yea I met her and she's amazing." I said while looking at the signed and framed picture of Demi.
    Josie loved Demi and was beaming. I knew once I got Josie getting her a gift would be easy. After all she's one of the only Northsiders who don't annoy me. I gave her a hug.
    "I should get going." I said before walking out.
    I went to the Wyrm with Jughead. It was all Christmasy and stuff. Honestly I don't really like Christmas much so being here made me feel a little sick.
    "What is all this?" Jughead asked as he looked around.
    "Serpent tradition. Every year we give back to the Southside. Toys for tots, meals on wheels, kids and old folks living alone." Toni said as she came towards us.
    "Hey have you seen my dad?" I asked
    "Why aren't you in school?" A voice boomed before Toni or Fangs could answer.
    "I had to ask you something and I'm trying to figure something out." I said while Jughead said "it's a half day before break."
    "Sorry it'll have to wait. And in that case you can hold down the fort Jug." After that I zoned out. I couldn't stop thinking about if we didn't advance to the next round.
    I didn't even notice when our father left. I had gotten a text from the group chat.
Fifth Harmony chat
Cami🍌: Hey I'm coming to Riverdale early. Just letting you know.
Mani⚡️: I am too and so is Ally. We're on the plane and she's asleep.
DJ🎧:Same on the plane now.
    Dang it my plans just fell apart. They are coming earlier than planned and I have stuff to deal with. I guess the worry was evident on my face because both Toni and Fangs asked if I was okay.
    "Lo are you good you look like you saw a ghost." Both serpents said
    "They are coming early. They can't come early. I don't have everything figured out yet." I said while having a panic attack.
    "Okay first breathe. In and out. In and out." Toni commanded as I did so, "whos they?" She asked
    "The rest of the girls from Fifth Harmony." I said as my breathing went normal.
    "Ohhhh them I remember them. They're nice girls- oh that's why you're freaking out." Fangs said understanding why.
    "I have to go to the airport tomorrow. Can I borrow you two?" I asked quickly realizing I'd need them to pick up my friends.
    "Sure just tell us when." They said while Jughead called for a meeting.
    "Penny Peabody has my dad dealing drugs. I know this because I did it before him. Now she's roping in more and more serpents. But I don't want the Serpents to end up like the Ghoulies. Which is why we have to take out Penny." Jug said while pacing back and forth.
    "Okay but can we make it quick I got people to pick up from the airport and I'm kidnapping Toni and Fangs to help me." I said while looking at Jug.
    "Who more people for you to hoe around with." Sweet Pea said before smirking.
    "No asshat people who care about me. They are in my band idiot." I said trying to keep my strong front.
    I could tell Toni wanted to kill him so I had to calm her down. I stood next to her and held her hand.
    "Well shit Lo I thought they were coming later." Jug said as he turned to me.
    "I did too but they changed their minds I guess which means I have a lot to do before tomorrow morning. So can we get on with this." I said with worry evident in my voice. Jug knows that I didn't tell them everything yet. I had zoned out again but apparently everyone agreed to do it.
    "FP well you're early."
    "Sorry but do I look like a dude?" I said with attitude putting on my tough exterior.
    "Well well well Lauren Jones, I wonder how daddy would react to his little girl being here." She said as she looked at the bat in my hand and walked closer to me.
    "Oh but he won't be finding out. You see the other serpents may not be able to hurt you because of a law but I'm not a serpent so I can do what ever I want. You should know I played softball." I warned before she came close enough to where I could hit her with the bat.
    Once she was out Jug walked through the door.
    "Nice swing Lo. You still got it." He said as he lifted Penny's arm.
    I'm about to cut off someone's tattoo. I took out the switchblade and cut it off. It's so gross.
    They ended up taking her to Greendale but I didn't go with them. I couldn't go with them I had to prepare for tomorrow. A new message appeared on my phone.
Betts⚛️: The Black Hood is dead.
    I was relieved that when the girls came they wouldn't be in danger. Now I can sleep in peace and see them tomorrow. I got another text but it was from Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea💘🐍: Can we talk?
Lauren: I guess but make it quick...
Sweet Pea💘🐍: I'm here open the door.
    I got up and opened the door. He walked in and sat on the couch.
    "You wanted to talk." I said as I looked at him.
    "Yea just listen okay?" He said as i nodded from to continue, "What I said was out of line and I guess I was just mad. I know I lost your trust and stuff but can we try being friends again at least?" I could see the desperation in his eyes.
    "Yes we can be friends again but you have to re-earn my trust. And if you want to be more than friends you gotta work for it." I said while smirking which made him chuckle.

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