Truth Or Dare gone Wrong

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    The girls and I had to come up with a song for the judges house. We needed to make it through to the live shows. We were currently going to the judges house now. I knew the perfect song and when I told the girls they loved it. Once we got there we saw the other groups. Everyone else went then it was time for us.

    Once we finished the song and walked off my eyes started to water. I don't know why but this song made me think of Sweet Pea. I felt weak I never let a boy beat my emotions but he did. The girls must have noticed because they all hugged me.
    It was time to see if we were in Simons final four and we were nervous.
    "Well girls most of the time there are arguments and stuff but I think this group gelled well together and it is because of that bond that your talent has molded into one. You are going into my final four." Simon said.
    "Ahhhhhhh!!!!" We all screamed as we ran and hugged him.
    We called the girls families and told them we made it through. Next was going back to Riverdale to tell everyone there.
    "I'm scared. What if something bad happens? What if no one is happy because I'll have to leave?" I started to hyperventilate.
    Camila grabbed my hands, "if they don't support you we will personally kick their butts." I gave her a smile. She always knew how to make me feel better and it was safe to say that she was my best friend out of the group.
    "Okay off to Pops we go." I said before making a silly duck face. The girls laughed with me before we walked in.
    "Now my question is directed to all of you. What's the verdict?" Pop said before the girls started to jump around.
    "By that reaction you can guess we made it through." I said with worry still evident in my voice
    "Lo don't worry about them not supporting you. They will I just know it." Pop said and I knew he had to be right but there was still doubt deep down.
    "Next stop the Wyrm." I said while the girls followed me out.
    Once we got to the Wyrm the tv was playing and you could hear us singing. Wow that was fast. We walked in and went to our little group. I wrapped my arm around Toni as she looked over her shoulder at me. I gave her a cheeky smile to warn her about what was gonna happen.
    The playback of Simon telling us played and everyone in the Wyrm started cheering. Toni pulled us all into a hug. Ally hugged Fangs first and I could see a blush evident on both of their faces.
    "Girls night ASAP!" I exclaimed while dragging them out with me.
    Once we got home we started to talk.
    "So Ally what was that with Fangs?" I asked as the other girls looked clueless.
    "Don't know what you're talking about." She said with a blush.
    "Oh my gosh Ally you like him." I     exclaimed as she got even more red.
    "Okay fine I do."She said in defeat
    "Awe I'm going to do everything I can to get y'all together." I said as the other girls agreed.
    "Anyways Lo what's going on with you and Pea?" Camila asked as it threw me off
    "I honestly don't know. We used to be together then you know and I still like him but I just don't know." I said before turning to Toni, "this is boring should we invite the guys?" She nodded her head.
Lauren 🔥: Hey you guys wanna come over we got bored.
Fangs⭐️: Sure be there soon
    A couple minutes later there was a knock on the door before they walked in.
    "You should really lock your door."Sweet Pea said in all seriousness.
    "No need I have a bat and everyone knows not to mess with me." I said as the other girls nodded in agreement.
    "Anyways lets play truth or dare." Everyone mumbled in agreement. "Alright Toni Truth or Dare."
    "No way in hell am I getting a date from you. So truth."
    "Do you like Cheryl? Like in a Betty and Jug way." I said with a smirk already knowing the answer
    "Maybe. She isn't that bad. And she does trust me. Next Ally truth or dare?"
    Ally looked up caught off gaurd, "um truth?" She said more as a question. I have Toni a sign to take it easy on her.
    "Do you currently like someone?"
    "Yes. Next Mila Truth or Dare."
    "Dare but please don't let it be gross." She replies in a pleading tone.
    "I dare you to eat three bananas in a gross way."
    "Cmon Ally you're gonna ruin bananas for the innocent child." Dinah, Normani and I said at the same time.
    Camila came back with three bananas. She did her dare.
    "Sweet Pea! Truth or Dare." Oh no what's she planning.
    "Dare I guess." No why Pea why?
    "I dare you to go into the closet with Lo for 3 minutes. What you do in there is up to you but go."
    He got up and dragged me with him. I'm going to kill you Camila. We entered the closet and it was small.
    "So what do you wanna-" he said before I cut him off.
    I kissed him and he kissed back. It got heated quickly. When we pulled away we had to catch our breath.
    "I still like you Lo. And I will regret what I said forever."
    "I like you still too idiot. So wanna go out again?" I asked as courage came over me. He nodded his head before we heard a scream. I ran out of the closet.
    "What the hell just happened?"
    "We tried to keep her away from the door but she held on to the handle and wouldn't move." Dinah and Normani said in a panic as Fangs and Ally were holding onto Camila.
    "Oh so you heard everything Camz?" I asked making eye contact.
    She looked into my eyes then away. "Maybe" She said as she escaped Fangs and Ally's grip and began to run.
    I chased after her, "Karla Camila Cabello I'm going to kill you. With a softball bat"
    Everyone was shocked because I'm never mad at Mila and I never call her by her first name. I run faster than her though and she's clumsy. I caught her and tickled her.
    "You know I could never kill you right? I would miss you too much."
    "Awe" I heard behind me from the others
    "I know L. Now can you let me go?" She asked as I hugged her.
    "Back to the game. Sweets pick someone."
    "Fangs Truth or Dare."
    "Truth?" He questioned.
    Sweet Pea looked at me as I leaned over and whispered in his ear.
    "Who do you like?" He said with a smirk.
    "What makes you think I like someone." At that moment I saw pain in Ally's eyes. No no no.
    "Bitch answer the question." I said as I pulled Ally closer to me.
    "I don't like anyone okay!" He said looking over at Ally.
    That's it I felt a tear on my shoulder and when I looked at Ally she was crying. Oh god no!
    "Fangs I'm giving you a 30 second head start before I get my bat." I said in a serious tone. The other girls all looked at Ally and could tell why I was mad. He just broke lil Shakiras heart and he isn't gonna get away with it.
    He didn't start to get up until I had my bat in hand. I slowly walked closer and closer to him.
    "Hope you can out run a softball player." Toni and Sweet Pea said as Ally was crying in Sweet Peas arms but without making it obvious.
    He began to run but was on the ground before he could get very far.
    "LoLo" I heard the quiet voice speak up making me stop mid attack. I turned to Ally and she had her arms open. I walked over to her and hugged her.
    "Don't worry about it okay. There are so many good people out there for you." I whispered in her ear.
    "Thanks Lo. I'm gonna head to bed now." She said while walking out of the room.
Fangs got up before I could say anything or do anything he put his hands up in surrender.
Toni practically pushed him and Sweets out the door.
    I knew Ally wasn't going to sleep so I went to her room. "Ally do you want me to stay here with you?" She nodded her head as I laid on her bed and opened my arms. She cuddled into my side as I silently sang to her.

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