South to North

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    Today was the day, the day the girls were coming. I was so happy and so excited. I had to go to the airport to pick them up. I knew I needed one more person to help because there were 4 of them and only 3 of us going. I had to ask the one person I really didn't want to. I went to his contacts name.
Lauren: Hey can I ask you for a favor?
Sweet Pea💘🐍: Sure what is it?
Lauren: Can you help me get my friends from the airport. I already have Toni and Fangs' help but I need one more person to help.
Sweet Pea💘🐍: Sure.
Lauren: Meet at the Wyrm in 20?
Sweet Pea💘🐍:Sure
I quickly got ready and went to the Wyrm. Toni and Fangs were there along with Sweet Pea.
"Whats up? You guy ready to go get them?" I asked as I walked up to them.
"Yes lets go I want to see them again." Fangs said as he looked away from my green eyes. I knew he had to be talking about one of them specifically but I couldn't tell who unless he were to look in my eyes.
"Alright. Toni you're taking Camila mainly because you're the only one I trust with her." I said which must of offended the other two. I continued, "Fangs pick who you wanna take Ally, Normani or Dinah"
    "Umm Ally I guess."He said and you could tell he was nervous.
    "Okay and since Sweets hasn't met them yet. Ill take Dinah cause she can be mean when she wants to. Alright lets go." I said while walking out of the Wyrm.
    Once we arrived at the airport we went inside. Once we were there I saw the four girls, I knew the way to get their attention.
    "Aye! Mini Shakira." Once the words came out of my mouth all of them turned around.
    Of course the first one was Ally and she practically leaped into my arms. I could tell the Serpents were confused.
    "I call her Mini Shakira because she does an amazing impression of her." I explained as the other girls came and jumped me into a hug.
    "Okay so first, I need to talk to the girls. So make yourselves busy boys." I said as I dragged Toni and the other four girls with me.
    I told them everything about me. Literally everything and they still love me. It made me so happy.
    "I wanna see your school and how bad it is." Camila said as Tonis eyes went wide.
    "I dont know. The Serpents would protect you guys mainly because they're scared of me, but the Ghoulies are bad." I said while looking at Toni.
    "What if we promise to never leave your side?" Ally asked with her puppy dog eyes that no one could say no to.
    "Ugh fine. Curse you and your puppy eyes." I said half jokingly.
    Ive told them who they were riding with. We had been going back to Pops so the girls can meet Pop and eat. We had arrived and walked in.
    "Aye Pop! There are some people I want you to meet. This is Ally, Camila, Normani and Dinah. Girls this is Pop Tate." I said while pointing out who was who.
    "Nice to meet you ladies." Pop said as we ordered our food.
    "Did you guys by any chance bring black clothes?" I asked the girls as they shook their heads no.
    "Topaz can you let Ally borrow some black clothes when we go to Southside High. She's more your size and maybe Camila too." I asked Toni.
    "Yea sure but we should leave soon to give them time to change and stuff." She said before getting up.
    "Alright. Lets go. See you later Pop." I yelled out to him before leaving with the girls.
    Once we got to our house that we bought in between the North and South side Toni went into her room with Ally and Camila while Dinah and Normani went with me. I also got a few extra leather jackets for them to wear.
    "Alright lets go. My dad gave me the car so only one of us has to go with Toni on her motorcycle." I said as Dinah raised her hand.
    "Lets go! Fangs and Sweet Pea are waiting for us at school"Toni said as the girls put on my leather jackets.
    We all left to school and I could see the Ghoulies eyeing the girls up and down, but mainly the shorter ones which were Ally and Camila. Great I might have to fight some people.
    "Ally I want you to stick with Fangs okay?"I said while I motioned Fangs so he would know why.
    "Okay"Ally said barely above a whisper. I could tell she was scared.
    "Camz stay with me okay." I said as a Ghoulie started walking our way.
    Both Sweet Pea and Fangs noticed and Fangs hid Ally behind him as they got ready to deal with the Ghoulie.
    "Well well well what do we have here?"He said while looking straight at Camila. She hid more behind me as my protective side came out.
    "People who don't want to deal with Ghoulies. Just leave them alone and there won't be any problems." I said as Toni took Dinah Normani and Ally outside while Camila refused to leave my side.
The Ghoulie stepped closer to Camila and she looked at me. I could see the fear in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and walked out before anything could happen.
"I'm sorry this happened. This is why I didn't want to bring you guys here." I said as we sat down with the others and Camila put her head on my shoulder.
"Its fine Lern. Its not like you could've prevented it. Ally gave you the eyes." Dinah said half laughing, I laughed with her everyone knew you could never say no to Ally.
Jughead had walked over to us and handed Toni something. He then sat next to us but I wasn't paying attention until Fangs and Sweet Pea along with a few other serpents burst through the door cheering.
"Whats going on?"Jughead asked as we all looked at them.
"This hell hole is officially closed. No more Southside High! We're done!"Sweet Pea said and you could see the happiness on his face.
"What? How?" Was all Toni could get out as the girls looked confused.
"Who cares? We're all going to different schools." Sweets said before Jughead jumped in, "Where are you guys going?"
All I could think was please don't tell me its where I think it is.
"Same as all of you. Riverdale High"He said before I stood up scaring Camila.
"No! I don't wanna go back there. It sucks." I yelled before looking at the girls.
"Lets get this over with." I said before walking into Riverdale High with the others.
"Friends. On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, Welcome to your new school!"Veronica said while smiling before continuing, "To ease this transition, Ive set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale."She seemed to be doing good until....
Coming from the stairs was Cheryl and Reggie along with some bulldogs and vixens.
"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Cheryl said before Jug mumbled, "There's the school spirit I so fondly remember."
"Cheryl. No one invited Fascist Barbie to the party."
"Wrong, Veronica, no one invited Southside scum to come to our school. Listen up, Ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of a bunch of underachievers. So please do us a favor and find a new school do debase with our hardscrabble ways."Cheryl said which made Toni snap.
"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face."
"Happily Queen of the Buskers" 
    Archie had stepped in,"Okay Guys, everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate?"
    "Mmm. You don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews. And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass."Reggie said while making Serpents mad.
    "Happy to finish what was started."Sweet Pea said as Camila, Ally and I held him back.
    "He isn't worth it Pea" I said quietly. As me and the two shorter girls tried to hold him back.
    He finally stopped trying to get to Reggie.
    "God, I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now." Veronica said before Weatherbee came, "All right. That's enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone, let's get to class. Now." He said before walking away.
    The serpents started to walk away but Reggie stopped me.
    "Seems like you picked the wrong side this time babe." He had his hand on my wrist.
    "I dont think I did but do you want me to punch you again." I said as I broke from his hold and went with Camila, Ally, Dinah and Normani.
    We went to the student lounge and sat there. I didn't have to introduce anyone to each other because the had already met.
"I don't think we've properly met. Veronica Lodge." Veronica said directed to Toni.
"Of the Park Avenue Lodges." Jughead added while eating a chip.
"Toni. Topaz." Toni said holding out her hand.
"Oh, like the purple-colored gemstone. Love it." Veronica said as she shook Tonis' hand.
"And I'm Josie McCoy. Formerly of the Pussycats, now just Josie. And this is Kevin." Josie said sounding so sad.
"What's your name?" Kevin said looking directly at Fangs.
"Fogarty. Or you can call me Fangs. Your last name's Keller, right?" Fangs said which shocked me.
"How did you know that?" Kevin asked taking the words out of my mouth.
"Joaquin and I used to hang out. He talked about you all the time." Oh that makes more sense.
"You guys!"Weatherbee yelled getting our attention, "Yes, you, come with me. Now! Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?"
"This is what they do, Principal Weatherbee. They tag their turf. And my bet is it was Lauren, I mean she's the only one that knows how to draw right?" Reggie said trying to blame me.
"Wow you're actually dumber than I thought. I can draw better than that and spray paint is different."
"My God, Reggie, could you be anymore transparent?" Veronica asked before...
"Effective immediately, no gang behavior of any kind will be tolerated at my school. As of this moment, no more Serpent jackets or leather jackets in general."
"What?"We all yelled including the other fifth harmony girls.
"No more Serpent jackets or leather jackets! All tattoos are gonna be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear? That's all." He said before walking away.
Reggie stood there with a stupid grin on his face. I rolled my eyes before walking away with the girls. The school day ended and we all went to the Wyrm. Sweet Pea was playing a game and the girls and I were watching him.
"I can't believe you guys don't even see it. Weatherbee is profiling us. Tellin' us what to wear. What's next? Brain implants controlling what we think?" Jug said while pacing back and forth.
"Jughead, you sound like a crazy conspiracy nut." Camila said while looking at him.
"A school closed down." Normani continued
"A crappy school."Dinah added
"Yeah, and now we're at a better one, with a computer lab and text books." Toni said
"And toilets that flush." Sweet Pea added while I laughed.
"Getting transferred to Riverdale High is the best thing that could have happened." Toni said once again
"Maybe ever." Ally added
"So, if I have to take off my jacket, 8:30 to 3:00, Monday through Friday. Hey, I'm down with that." Toni said while picking up her drink.
Jughead started to leave when I broke away from the group. I caught up to him.
"Whatever you have planned I'm in. Cause if I cant wear my leather jackets then I cant be myself." I said as I looked at him.
"Glad you said that because it involves us wearing our jackets to school." He said and I knew exactly what he meant.
    The next day the girls went to school before me because I 'Woke up late' but really I was going with Jughead for our plan to work. We walked into school and to the student lounge.
    "Oh, hey, guys, what's up?" Jughead said while looking around the room.
    "Take them off. Take off those jackets, Rat Boy and his sister." Reggie ended up getting up and closer to us.
    "Oh, Reggie. I don't think you know what his jacket means. Because you have no sense of honor." I said confidently looking at my brother to continue
"Or history, or loyalty." Jug finished which made Reggie snap.
    "That's it." And just like that a fight broke out.
    Now here we are standing in the principles office. I had my head on my brothers shoulder while Camila held my hand.
    "You all have a week's detention for fighting. But I made myself clear to you, Mr. Jones and Ms. Jones. Take off those jackets, right now, or you're suspended." Weatherbee said while taking a step towards us.
    "Please, Jughead,Lauren, just-"
     "Then I guess we're suspended." We said at the same time while walking away. We went straight to the Wyrm.
"Why aren't you guys in school?" Our father called out to us.
"Can't wear my jacket so I can't be myself."I said as I zoned out of the conversation.
    The next day Jug and I walked into school but I had to wear different colors. I had to borrow clothes from Normani.
    "What the hell? Guys."Jughead said as we entered the student lounge.
    "Weatherbee gave them to us. Said he understood that not every Southside student had the means to purchase Riverdale High acceptable clothes. He thinks this will help us fit in." Toni said while looking at what I was wearing.
    "Where's Fogarty?" I asked as I noticed he wasn't here.
    "He wouldn't wear the uniform, so they got rid of him, suspended him." Sweet Pea said before looking at what I had to wear.
    "So our choices are conform or be cast out." Jughead said while looking at Toni
    "Yeah." She said while sighing.
We were all sitting in a classroom. I was so confused.
"Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the Swords and Serpents Club." Jug said with a proud look.
"Which is what, exactly?" Toni asked just as confused as the rest of us.
"Like I told Fogarty to lure him back to dear ol' Riverdale, we are a gaming group. Sanctioned by Mr. Weatherbee, himself. Where like-minded students can meet and concoct world-building, role-playing scenarios, inhabiting fantastical heroes and dispatching mythological creatures."When he said that I knew he had a different plan.
"No, but really?"I asked trying to see what he was actually thinking.
"It's a club, for us. A safe haven where we can be Serpents and serpent adjacent, during school hours and under everyone's noses.We're not shedding our skins. We're lying low, in the tall grass." That makes more sense.

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