Snake Charmer

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    Sheriff Keller has continuously been accusing the Serpents of cutting off Pickens head. He doesn't even have proof. Great now Sheriff Keller is trying to evict all the serpents from their homes.
    The girls and I walked into the Wyrm. My father was talking until Tallboy interrupted.
    "Why don't you ask your son or daughter what they have to say?"
    "What is your problem with us Tallboy?" Jug asked before I could.
    "You're the one who wrote the article that started it all. And who's to say Lauren and her peppy friends didn't go and cut Pickens head off."
    "Oh yeah sure a girl who's only 5'4 another who's only 4'11 another who's 5'2 one who's 5'8 and one who's also 5'4. You're the tallest guy in the room and your blaming 5 teenage girls who couldn't possibly do it anyways." Jug said defending us as the other four cling onto my arms.
    "Alright enough. In case you don't know Tallboy were in a competition and we had to go there and there is filmed footage if you want proof or want to try your theory out." I said finding my voice before walking out of the Wyrm. We have another live show today and I'm honestly nervous.

    After we sang we walked off stage. We had to head back to the Wyrm. When we got there Jughead had just arrived too.
    "Jughead and Lauren Jones. Did you really think you'd seen the last of me?" Peabody said
    "What's the snake charmer doing here?" Jug and I said at the same time.
    "I brought her in, to help us." Tallboy said
    "We don't need Penny's kind of help." Jughead said while the girls hid behind me the best they could.
    "You don't get a say anymore. Since you broke Serpent law and hurt one of our own kind. Penny was about to tell your dad. Show him, Penny. Show 'em all." Tallboy said and I knew exactly what he was talking about but Jug didn't do it I did.
    "That used to be my Serpent tattoo, until your daughter sliced a chunk outta my arm and your son left me bleeding in a ditch in Greendale. But I'm still willing to help the Serpents. Tall Boy showed me those eviction notices. They're legit. Luckily, I can think of about 41 ways to stall the process. And I'm talking years." Penny said
    "What's your price, Penny?" Our father asked. He seemed so disappointed.
    "Blood for blood. An eye for an eye. I want back in with the Serpents and I want him kicked out also I want little miss princess banned from anything dealing with Serpents. Oh, yeah, one last thing I want his tattoo carved off. And I want to do it myself. With a dirty knife." That's when I lose my cool.
    "Why would you want to yet Jughead when I'm the real threat. He wouldn't hurt a fly but me on the other hand, I have nothing to lose. I'm not a serpent so I don't have to follow your laws. And I swear to God Penny you touch my brother and I wont leave you in a ditch bleeding. Ill leave you there dead." I said threateningly(I don't know if that's a word)
    I stormed out of the Wyrm. The girls followed me. Once we got home I grabbed my bat and went to the local field. Dinah and the girls came with me. Dinah was pitching to me while I was blowing off steam and hitting.
    Dinah pitched the ball to me and I hit it. It went flying. The girls looked amazed. I heard someone laugh.
    "You still got it Lo." I immediately recognized the voice. Toni.
    "Yeah guess I do." I said while laughing.
    "So why'd you come here?" Toni asked as I hit another ball.
    "Blow off steam. Figured it'd be better to hit a ball then a human." I said slowly putting the bat down.
    "Oh makes sense. We should go to the Wyrm. Theres gonna be a vote and you and Jughead have to be there. But w have to go now so you have to take your bat with us." Toni said as the girls and I followed her.
We got to the Wyrm and Toni went inside. Before the girls and I could walk in I saw Betty, Jughead and my dad with Pickens Head. We all walked in at the same time.
"Stop the damn vote." My father said in a demanding voice.
Tallboy was then sat in a chair.
"What the hell were you doing at the dump last week, Tall Boy?" My father asked which made me curious as what he was talking about.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Tallboy said trying to sound innocent.
"I'm talkin' about you cutting the head off the Pickens' statue and stashing it at the dump where you were seen, dumbass. So start spilling!" My father yelled at him making the girls hide behind me and me flinch.
"Why'd you do it? Someone put you up to this?" Jughead asked and you could see he was mad.
"What's the Northsiders doing here? This is Serpent business, it's on Serpent land." He said referring to the girls and I along with Betty.
"Bettys here because she's one of us. And my sister and her friends are here because they aren't enemies and are actually there to stand up for the serpents." Jug said defending us.
"You haven't answered my son's question:   Why'd you do it?" My father asked again
" 'Cause I'm tired of seeing the Serpents goin' soft under your rule. Then Hiram Lodge came by, wanting to stir up some trouble. He said if I took the head and tried to get the blame on Lauren, he'd get McCoy and the cops to swarm all over us, 'cause some chaos." He said while gesturing to me.
This made me mad and it didn't help that I had my bat. I turned to Sweets and handed him the bat. He seemed confused but took it from me when he saw my green eyes get darker.
"So Hiram Lodge asked you to start a mutiny and you helped him, why? And why put the blame on Lauren?" Jug asked and I wanted to know too.
"I figured it'd be my chance to get rid of you, sunshine. Also putting the blame on Lauren would mean getting the tougher sibling out of the way. And if I got rid of him and Lauren, I could get rid of you, too, FP." Tallboy said as I stepped away from the girls and stood side by side wit m brother.
"And then, what, you'd become leader?" Our father asked before turning to us.
"He and Penny." I said before Jug continued, "You're a Judas, Tall Boy, and an idiot." I stepped back next to my girls. They grabbed onto my hands.
"You betrayed your own kind, Tall Boy.   You broke Serpent Law. What should we do with this lowlife?" My father asked everyone.
"Strip him of his jacket. Exile him." 
"All those in favor?"
Everyone raised their hands including Betty except for me and my girls. My father looked around then looked at us.
"Ally?" She then raised her hand, "Cami?" Camila let go of my hand and raised it, "DJ?" Dinah raised both of her hands, she was like me in a lot of ways, "Mani?" Normani raised her hand, "Lo?" I raised my hand but then took my bat from Sweet Pea and threw it to my dad. He caught it with a chuckle.

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