Chapter 2

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                                                                    Chapter 2.

Hey readers or fans or whatever, hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So anyway I was getting worried because I didn't know who to pick Cat or Jack. But then one fatefull afternoon a boy called Daniel wanted me to play with him and the boys. I said "I don't know if I can!" Because you see Cat and her family live on the left hand side and Jack lives on the right, so in order to play with the boys I was gonna have to pass Cat's house. So me and the boys came up with a brilliant plan (well it seemed brilliant at the time) Jack lived directly behind me, and there was a wall seperating our gardens so the brilliant idea was for me to go home and climb onto the oil tank and then climb onto the wall and then crawl my way across and into Daniels back garden! (Stupid right!?!?!) But as per usual there was a slight problem ( and NO I'm not scared of hights just ladders, bridges and boats.) you see on the round the back there is a small hill. So it meant the if I fell off the wall i was going to a) break my arm or leg or b) break my neck. But I got a bit scared about halfway across so Jack climbed onto Daniels wall to come and get me! (Now you may be think how sweet n romantic but trust me thats not how it ends!!!!!!!!!!!!!) So Jack lead the rest of the way across and he helped me down. And that is pretty much how me and Cat stopped talking (for now)

So I'll leave you with that and if you guessed Jack you were right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and can you plz read my friends oxXLouiseXxo's book its called Enchanted!!!!!!!!!! thax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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