XLVI : Wake up call (Kara)

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"You shouldn't have tricked me." Purrs Moriarty, walking forward. He traces the knife around my neck, droplets of blood beading and falling. My breathing becomes shallow and I feel his breath on my neck. "You had such potential, it's a shame I'll have to kill you." His eyes glint as he circles me like a predator circling prey. Suddenly he leaps forwards, I try to break free but hands hold me back, suffocating me, encasing me. The door bursts open and Sherlock yells out my name. Moriarty turns and shoots him in the head. "SHERLOCK !" I yell, tears falling freely now. "You see what happens when you cross me, people get HURT." He walks close up to me and presses a kiss to my lips. I squirm and my insides writhe. "Such a pretty little thing. Shame really." He sucks on his teeth, gently dragging the knife across my face. He leans in close before raising the knife above my chest, resting one hand on the chair I'm bound to. "Goodbye Kara Di-"

I woke up, covered in sweat and tears. I put a hand over my mouth so that I wouldn't disturb the others. It was six in the morning and everyone was a sleep. Silently breaking inside, I tore at my arm. At the initials of the man who I loathed. Blood intermingled with my bedsheets as I tried, desperately to erase the memory of Moriarty. By the time I finished, my wrist was a lacerated mess. I ran to the bathroom, ignoring the piercing pain in my arm. "He's dead." I whispered, over and over, a promise. I sat in the floor, blood staining the white tiles. I sobbed. On the outside, I was fine, but I doubted I would ever be the same again on the inside. No one else had seen me this way, or checked my arm. I kept up appearances so there was no need for others to worry. Suddenly, someone took hold of my head. "He will never hurt you again. I promise. Sherlock kissed the top of my head, shaking with barely concealed rage. I ignored him, alone in my darkness. "GET AWAY FROM ME. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME." I clawed at his shirt, shoving him away.
"Kara." Sherlock was crying too, shocked by the realisation that I wasn't, in fact, fine. "Please." A silent plead. For what I wasn't sure but he held me close and I sobbed into his shirt. I didn't notice him gently clean and bandage my shredded arm. He lifted me up, carrying me to my room as I wept into his chest. He put me down on the bed. "I'll get you some water." he said, turning to leave, but I grabbed his shirt. "Please, please don't leave me." I choked out. He looked at me before climbing into the bed next to me. "Oh god. Kara I'm so sorry. This was all my fault." Tears fell from his face as he stroked my hair. I looked at him. "Don't you dare. None of this was your fault Sherlock Holmes so don't you dare blame yourself for something that monster did." He chuckled slightly, tracing soothing circles on my shoulder, I buried my face into his chest, and we fell asleep, together. The detective and the assassin. How sweet.


I woke up to Sherlock staring at me with an unreadable expression. "I ruined your shirt." I said with a sad laugh, bringing him out of his daydream. He smiled. "Don't worry, I have plenty more. Are you ok ?" He asked, concern painted onto his face. "Fine now." I replied.
"Are you sure ?"
"Sherlock. Fine."
"Ok." He said doubtfully, "But promise me one thing. Promise that you will never hurt yourself like that again."
"Sherlock it's not that si-"
"Promise." I sighed before nodding. "Thank you." I said. He smiled before moving forwards slightly and then hesitating slightly, as if debating something, then he moved. He placed a small kiss on my lips. I froze, rendered unable to move by Sherlock being the one to initiate the kiss. "Seeing you there, so broken, so alone. It made me so angry, it made me realise I never want to see you like that ever again. I love you Dives. So much. And if you'll have me, I want to be with you." He stared at me with big eyes, fearful of my answer. My face broke into a beam as I threw my arms around him. "I love you too Holmes." He melted into the hug before kissing me again, letting it deepen. Finally I thought.

AN : Skara is officially a thing now !!!! YAY 😁 I  hope you've enjoyed reading about their relationship as much as I have writing it. Also, if anyone can think of a ship name for Sara and John, I would be eternally grateful. Love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️

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