There Are Always Other Flowers

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"Yao, we need to go!"

"Mei, calm down, aru, they aren't even here yet." Yao sighs, looking at his little sister.

"So, Aniki is going on a girl's night?" Yong Soo grins, walking into the living room.

"Hush, aru. Do you have anywhere to go tonight?"

Yong Soo remained silent. Of course, Yao always won. "That's what I thought."

"I thought you were going to go with the allies tonight, Yao-Nii."

"No, it would be nice to get away from those idiots."


"Yo, Ivan, you actually came!"

Ivan smiles, struggling to hold three boxes of beer and a pack of vodka.

"I see you brought the essentials, mon cher?" Francis grins, taking one of the boxes.

"Da, the cashier looked at me like I was crazy."

Arthur pushed Alfred aside, helping Ivan with the drinks. "You are, look at this."


Yao and Mei are greeted at the door by Michelle and Lillia.

"We thought you two weren't going to make it!"

"If Yao hadn't taken so long to get ready-"

"That isn't true, aru. The roads were packed."

Katyusha takes Yao into a hug. "I'm so glad you came! We have so many questions for you!"


"About Russia!" Michelle grins.

Yao's face flushes bright pink. "What is there to know?"

"Everything, now come in!" Nataliya says, dragging Yao into the living room. She was much more open to him here than in the meetings, that was certain.


Francis opens a wine bottle, taking a sip. "Ivan, tell us about Yao."

Ivan was confused. Right off the bat? What did they even want to know?
"Hm? What about Yao?"

"Like, are you guys finally dating? Like I told you, we all ship it."

Oh, so that's what they wanted to know.
Taking a shot of vodka, Ivan shakes his head. "Nyet, we're not dating."

Arthur almost spits out his beer. "How?"

Ivan sets his vodka down. "I want to give Yao time-"

"Haven't you given him enough time?" Francis rolls his eyes, taking another shot.

"I know you all want something between Yao and I, but," Ivan takes a deep breath before placing down his bottle of vodka. "After what happened, I don't know if he's even ready for slight affection. I don't want to hurt him."

Alfred nudges him slightly. "Come on, he's been making all of the moves! Dude, you gotta do something!"

"Like what?"

"Ask him out, perhaps?" Arthur says impatiently. "Do you want to go somewhere with him or not?"

"Well, of course I do-"

"Then show it! Bloody hell, do something for him."

Ivan was silent. It was true. Yao had made all the moves when he was the one in pain.
Ivan was just afraid of Yao rejecting him. After centuries, he was certain that someone was going to snatch Yao at some point.

A Fallen Sunflower [Russia x China Hetalia] Where stories live. Discover now