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- irene -

a dark room.

a very dark room.

that's all i saw.

i tried to focus on whatever situation i was in, but all i could think about was my team.. and seulgi. as soon as i tried to look in front of me, i kept thinking "wait, is yeri okay? is joy okay? how about wendy??" and "seulgi? seulgi? where are you?? are you okay??" i really hope that they're okay. really, it doesn't matter if i'm not okay, as long as they are.

when i finally was able to focus, i saw that my hands were chained to both sides of the room. i immediately noticed that my watch was missing. "dang it" i kept thinking. but, i didn't see anyone guarding me, so i used my laser watch on my leg to cut both of the chains. as soon as i looked around the room, i noticed a figure— a familiar figure.

a spotlight appeared, revealing seulgi on the floor. i ran over to her as fast as i could, not caring about anything that was happening around me. all i cared about was the seulgi, the girl i was worrying the most about. when i got over to her, i noticed that she was tied up, so i grabbed my laser watch from my leg and broke her ropes. i then shook her to wake her up.

"seulgi! seulgi!!" i yelled.
it took a while, but when she finally woke up, she said, "i'm so sorry." and stabbed me on my side.

- seulgi -

stabbing irene might have been the most awful thing i have ever done. but, i had to do it.

earlier, my other rebellion members noticed that i had an interest in irene. they noticed that i treated her very well for someone from sm company. so, while some of them put irene in chains, some of them also talked to me— blackmailing me. 

as they were typing a rope around me, one of them said, "so leader-nim, we'll give you a choice. irene.. or you."
"what kind of dumb deal do you want?" i replied.
"just chose the one who'll get hurt the most."
his words scared me, so i instantly said, "okay fine, fine. me."
"okay. then you have to stab irene. or.. we can stab you first and kill irene afterwards. you can watch her die if you want."

the words kept repeating in my mind. i couldn't let irene get hurt, but i had to stab her in order for her to live. so, the best i could do was stab her in her side, where she'll get the least amount of injuries and be able to survive.

after i stabbed irene, i had to desperately watch her faint— with her side excessively bleeding. i couldn't hold myself, i had to cry. i kept yelling "i'm so sorry!!" in an extremely loud way. then, to get the rebellion's attention, i said as i was sniffling, "okay. i did what you wanted. let her go."
"wow. you're more gullible than we thought, leader-nim." one of them said.
"now you have to do what i want."
"and what could that be?
"bring her to the hospital, with me."
"that's not fun."
it really annoyed me that they were using my words against me, so i used irene's offer. it will work, right? "you can keep me afterwards."
"yes. do whatever you want."
"w-whatever w-we want??"
"okay boys, go bring them to the hospital."

- irene -

everything felt so unreal. it only felt like a few minutes ago when seulgi stabbed me. did she actually stab me? but now, i'm in a hospital bed with no one beside me. it just felt weird and unusual.

i still felt sleepy, but i managed to pick myself up. after that, i got myself to step on the floor. i still felt dizzy, but i could stand up straight.

i kept wobbling as i walked, but i was able to grab my phone and call wendy.

"wendy?" i asked.
"ye-yes?" she also asked, it seemed like she had just woken up.
"can you pick me up right now?"
"pick you up? who is- unnie!!! so so sorry, i'll pick you up right now!!"
"okay thanks, i'm in the hospital near our company."
"wendy unnie? wh-what are you doing at this time?" i heard yeri say in the background.
"come on, we're picking irene unnie up." wendy replied.
"irene unnie??!! let's go!!!" i heard joy exclaim in the background.

after the call ended, i tried to go to the main desk. i asked them if i was allowed to leave, and they said that i could because i had a strong body. i quickly thanked them as i made my way to exit the building. i was walking through the main hall when i saw her— seulgi. there she was, sitting in the seating area in front of my room. as soon as i saw her, i sped up the process of getting out of the hospital. i would've hugged her and wrapped her in my arms, smelling her cute citrus scent and seeing her adorable eye-smile, but the thought of her stabbing me was too hard to let go of. the single thought that she may hurt me again was greater than all of my other thoughts about her.

when i went outside, i started waiting for my team to arrive. it only took about a minute for them to pick me up.

"unnie!!" yeri and joy squealed.
"are you okay?" wendy asked.
"yah, don't worry about me, okay?" i replied.
"but.. unnie.. we really worried about you." yeri said.
"are you guys okay?" i said as i ignored her comment.
"she's probably like this because she's getting old." joy said with a laugh.
"yah! i'm still young!" i said as i laughed.

- yeri -

to me, it looked like irene unnie had been stabbed. it was obvious from her bandage and visible wound marks. but, i knew that she wouldn't talk about what happened to her. she's like that all of the time. she'll often ask us about our problems and we'll talk about them, but she would never tell us her problems. but, this time, i'm really determined— to find out what happened to her and who did it. 

when we went back into our dorm, i noticed that irene unnie strictly went back to doing her paper work. i wanted to help her, but it was a job that was meant for only the leader to do. so, i went to get her a cup of coffee.

"thanks yeri." she said.
"of course, unnie." i replied.

after that, we just kept doing regular missions. we made sure that we never messed up anything and that all missions we went on were as 5 members, never leaving anyone out. irene unnie made sure that everyone felt included in the team and had a purpose. she showed us how we would properly carry out missions, and we did. we were successful with our missions.

but, on our day-off, we noticed something on the sm company tv.

- irene -

i really like my day-offs. i can spend time with my members, i can do laundry, i can iron their clothes, and things like that. i was happily enjoying it, until i saw the tv.

there she was— seulgi.

it's been a while since i've seen her, so i tried to calm myself down. i really missed her, but she stabbed me. right?

"please let me in. please.." seulgi begged.
"what business do you have?" a guard said.
"that's kang seulgi!!! arrest her now!" another guard shouted.
she didn't resist the arrest, but instead, she let out a small smile and whispered, "irene."

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