8 | team red velvet

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- seulgi -

when i woke up from sleeping on the couch, i noticed that irene was now lying her head down on her desk. she looked really cute, like a tired bunny who needed lots of rest.

after stretching my arms, i looked for food to cook for irene, jaehyun, and me. as i was looking around, i saw that irene barely had any food in the drawers. the only visible food there were ramyun and cookies.

i wanted to go outside and buy food, but i knew that irene and jaehyun would have to worry about me. but, i didn't really care about getting caught, so it didn't bother me. so, i went to the kitchen and started cooking the ramyun for all three of us to share.

while the ramyun was cooking, i kept hearing something vibrate. at first, it was just one vibration, then it suddenly became multiple vibrations. it sounded like a phone— irene's phone.

i rushed over to see who was texting her, just to make sure she wasn't getting tracked or followed.





unnie? where are you?

irene unnie?

irene unnie, we're here at your place

at first glance, i thought that it was an intruder. but, then i realized that her team was coming over to help us. so, i ran to the door and slowly opened it, revealing the said team.

"um.. hi. i'm wendy. you're seulgi?" one said.
i simply nodded.
"i'm joy. where's irene unnie?" another said.
"yeri." the third one quickly said as she barged into the lair.

they walked around the entire lair and stopped to find that irene was sleeping at her desk.

"ah. there's unnie." wendy said.
"um... i made some ramyun.." i quickly remembered.
"ooh, food!!" yeri said.
"yeri, we just ate." joy said.
"there's always time for food." yeri replied as she laughed with the three. i also laughed with them- her comment was pretty funny.
"feel free to eat!" i said as i went over to the kitchen and put the ramyun into three bowls for the team. i also left some for irene, jaehyun, and me to eat.

the team sat down on the average-sized dining table irene had in her lair. the girls really seemed to like eating. in fact, they looked like they had not eaten for a long time. so, i tried to start the conversation. "so, what do you guys do now?" i asked.
"well, we told sm company that we were going to find irene..." yeri said.
"but we aren't doing that! we can't betray irene unnie!" joy said.
"yeah... we came so we could find irene unnie... but we're really just going to stay here with her." wendy said.
"so sm company isn't looking for me?" i said.
"they're still looking for you... they just think that irene unnie is with you. besides, they have jaehyun..." wendy said.
"th-they has jaehyun?" i asked in a serious tone.
"yeah, but he won't talk to them." yeri said.
"he will never tal- irene unnie is awake!!!!!" joy screamed.

i looked behind me to reveal that irene had woken up. she still looked the same- perfect hair, perfect face, perfect expression, perfect everything.

she walked over to the table in a calm way to greet her members.

"sorry, seulgi, i haven't properly introduced them to you." irene said.
"no, no! it's okay! they introduced their selves!" i responded.
"ah, okay. good. so, what did sm company do to you guys?" she asked her group.
"they disbanded team red velvet... they questioned us about you... then we told them that we were going to find you." joy said as she tried to hold back her tears.
yeri noticed that joy was about to cry, so she put her arm over joy's shoulder and started patting her.
"okay. well, team red velvet isn't over." irene stated.
"we-we aren't over?" yeri questioned.
"from now on, we are red velvet. all of us, even seulgi." irene said.

- irene -

i wasn't thinking about the future. i was only thinking about what was happening right now. i knew that seulgi could be a great part of the team. she seemed trustworthy and she didn't want to go back to her old ways. she's also a great fighter and a great team member.

"shall we do our chant?" i said.
the three of them nodded as they put their hands in the center of the circle we created. "it's just, 'red velvet, let's get excited!" yeri told seulgi. seulgi smiled and got up to also do the chant.

"red velvet, let's get excited!!"

we all smiled at each other as we began to sit back down on the table we were previously on.

after a while of talking to them about the plans i had in mind, we were able to come up with more ideas. first of all, we were now red velvet. seulgi told the three about her father, so they also knew that sm company was corrupted. therefore, we go against sm company and the darkness. the three revealed that sm company has become evil as well, saying that the company doesn't want to save lives anymore- but end them. so, the main goal for red velvet is to defeat sm company first. then, we will try to end the darkness. of course, it won't be easy. but, i have the four most important people with me, so it's fine.

it soon became night. i didn't have enough beds for everyone.

i only had two queen sized beds, so my team could stay with me. due to this, there weren't enough beds for everyone to sleep in, since seulgi had to sleep too.

"i can sleep on the couch." i suggested.
"no, no. i'll sleep on the couch, unnie." wendy said as she smiled and went to the couch to get ready to sleep.
"yeri and i can sleep on one bed. you and seulgi can sleep on the other one." joy suggested.
"that's fine with me." seulgi said as she brightly showed her cute eye smile.

when i finished getting ready to sleep, everyone was already asleep. i carefully got into the bed, making sure that i would not wake seulgi up from sleeping.

once i got into the bed, i reached out for my phone to read the agency news. i felt a sense of disappointment and sadness from the headlines.

"sm company agent, bae joohyun, said to have run away with rebellion leader, kang seulgi."

"team red velvet leader, irene bae, has abandoned sm company with kang seulgi."

"bae joohyun has went away from her company, abandoning her successful career."

"bae joohyun becomes an embarrassment to sm company as she left the company to be with rebellion leader, kang seulgi."

"sm company speaks out about bae joohyun's absence from the company, says that she is dishonorable and shameful."

i tried to hold in my tears. but, no one was awake so i let it out. i knew that the headlines would be like this. the agency news always targets people at their worst, even if it isn't that important.

i was still crying as i kept reading more and more headlines about me, when i heard seulgi say, "it's okay irene, those people are garbage."

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