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Jennie's Pov

"Do it or drink this." My friend, Lisa said as she placed the alcohol in front of me. I rolled my eyes as I held the alcohol and drank it. We are in a bar right now and was seated to our table.

Music was so loud that you have to scream if you want someone to hear you. Lights were flashing everywhere and a crowd of people were dancing on the dance floor.

"Bitch, I'm not gonna kiss that guy." I said after I drank it. They laugh of what I said and Lisa turned the bottle again.

And it stopped in front of our friend, Joy. She chose truth, so Lisa asked her who she have sex with inside our group of friends. There were six of us and all of us are single, funny isn't it. We didn't expect her to answer because we knew Lisa was just joking about her question.

"Yeri." She flatly said and shrugged. Some of our eyes went wide as we heard her answer. We looked at Yeri who was busy eating. She noticed that we were staring at her so she looks at us.

"What?" She asked after she swallowed her food. She has her right eye brow rised up as she lean on her chair.

"You guys have sex?" Seulgi, my close friend asked.

"Who? Sooyoungie?" Yeri asked. We nodded and waited for her answer.

"Well, yeah. Actually when we're bored." Yeri answered and gave us a smirk. We heard Joy scoff and the rest of us laugh.

"Oh Yeri-ah, just tell them already that you two are dating." We heard Wendy said after she blow out some smoke. A small gasp was heard from Joy and all of us went quite.

"What?! You two are dating?!" Lisa asked loud enough causing people to look at our table. Lisa stood up and bowed and said sorry. I laugh at her and looked around.

I noticed some petite girl dancing on the crowd with her friends. She was wearing a white dress and some high heels. Her hair was black and it was a little wavy. I scanned her body as she dance. Her legs looks smooth that makes me want to touch it.

Suddenly, I felt someone slapped my arm making me groan in pain. I look back at them to know who it was and Lisa was grinning. Tch, I'm gonna kick her ass later. I glared at her but she just laugh.

"It's your turn again." She said. Yes, she was right. The opening of the bottle was directly facing towards me. I groan and just said dare. I don't like truths. It's not like I don't trust them, I just don't like them teasing me after.

"Hmmm. You were staring at her for like a few minutes. Ah! I know. Give her a mark on her neck." She said and smirk.

"Oh please, I can get myself killed if I do that what if she's straight and has a boyfriend?" I said and rolled my eyes. She crossed her arm and raised her eye brow.

"Then give him a mark then." She said as she point an old guy, probably in his late 40s. He was drinking and spanking some waitress' ass as they walk pass him making me feel disgusted.

"Fucking no. I'd rather die than gave that shit a mark." I said as I comb my hair with my fingers.

"Then do the dare, bitch." Lisa said. I groan and went to the crowd. I slowly move towards the girl and danced. Her friend noticed me dancing and tap her shoulder making her look at her friend. Her friend and point at me using her lips. Then the girl looked at me. I also looked at her and gave her a wink.

She raised her right eye brow and just looked at me. Damn, I can't do my dare at this rate. I glanced at my side and saw friends and they are all watching. I sigh and went in front of her, blocking my friends from her view.

"Uhm, actually my friends dared me to mark your neck. So I was wondering if you let me do it." I frankly said. She was about to say no to me when one of her friends stopped her.

"Oh, Jisoo. It's just a dare. So, let her be and beside, this one is cute."

"Woah, wait a sec. Seriously? I mean, she's a stranger. I can't just let her mark my neck easily Joohyun unnie." The black haired girl said to her friend 'Joohyun' unnie.

Well, she have a point though. Who would someone let a stranger mark his/her neck?

"Sorry there. But it's alright to mark her. She is just shy because she's a loud moa--ack! The hell is wrong with you, Kim?" Her friend complaint as she rubbed the part where 'Kim' punched. She paused for a moment and looked behind me. She sigh and said that I can mark her. Her friend rolled her eyes and just danced again to their other friends.

I went closer to her as we danced. People were busy dancing wildly and didn't gave a damn shit about us. I mean, this is a bar. Making out and having sex are allowed. I rested my hands on her hips as I lean forward to her neck.

I closed my eyes as I smelled her. She smelled like fresh strawberries. I licked her earlobe and gently bit it. I smiled as I heard her moan softly. I slowly sucked her smooth skin on her neck suddenly her hands went to my neck as I try to find her sensitive spot. Her moans suddenly got louder as I found her sensitive spot so I sucked it hard. She was a moaning mess, gosh. And good thing people didn't even care.

I lean back to look of what I have done. She has a purple mark on the side of her neck. I smiled and looked at the girl. Her face was red and her hands were still on my neck. She looked at me and I gave her a smile. She cough and let go of my neck.

"I uhh. So...umm..." she said as she scratched the back of her neck. I found her cute so I pecked her forehead. I let go of her hips and smiled at her.

"Thank you so much...." I said

"It's Jisoo." She introduced herself as she smile. Damn, that smile is really pretty. Oh, how I wished it's just for me.

"Call me Jennie." I also introduced.

"Umm, can we hang out some other time?" She asked. I was about reply when suddenly Joohyun randomly pop out.

"What she m-mean is *hiccup* is can we bang each *hiccup* other s-some other time? *hiccup*" Irene said, making Jisoo and I shocked. Oh, I can tell that she's already drunk.

"Can you please shut the fuck up? You're drunk." Jisoo annoyingly said and glared at her friend making her pout. Another tall girl went to Irene and held her arms.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo unnie. I'll just let her sit on our table." The tall girl said and smiled to the both of us then they left.

"I'm sorry about her. By the way, the drunk one is Joohyun and the other one is Chaeyoung." Jisoo said. I nodded then we agreed to exchanged numbers. We said goodbye to each other and I left the dance floor.

"Woah, that was hot." Lisa said as I sat down.

"Yeah. I mean, look at her she was moaning loud. I bet she enjoyed it." Joy said and laugh.

"Shut up, I kinda like her though." I said and smiled. They all cheered and told me to make a move on Jisoo.

I smiled as I thought about that. Making her my girlfriend and calling her mine is amazing.


A/N: I get this from my one shot stories "Taengsic oneshots".  I was inspired to make this a little longer so I made a book of it. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Chu~

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