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Jennie's Pov

"So, do you know what her name is? Come on, tell meeeeeee."

I groan as Lisa continued on annoying me. Last night when I met Jisoo, Lisa was so eager to know Jisoo's friend, Chaeyoung.

"Why would I tell you?" I said in an irritated manner.

"Because, she looks familiar. I think I saw her when I went on a vacation at Australia. So, pleaseeeeee." She begged.

I ignored her as I laid on the couch. Lisa being Lisa, laid on top of me making me groan in anger.

"Get your ugly body off me. You're heavy as fuck!" I screamed at her. She rolled her eyes and just stayed on top of me.

"Manoban, I'm warning you." I said in a cold voice.

"Tell me her name first." She stubbornly said.

"Okay, fine. But first, get off me." I said. She remove herself and sat beside me as she waited for me to speak.

"Not gonna tell, bitch!" I yelled as I ran towards my bedroom.

Lisa yelled as she tried to catch me but too late I already locked my room. She was still yelling my name and kicking on my door. A few minutes later, the other side of the door went quite.

I let out a big sigh and went to my bed. She must've felt tired from knocking and kicking the door. I laid on my bed as I grabbed my phone and opened it. Going to my messages, I texted Jisoo.

To: Jisooyalove💋

Yes, Jisooyalove. Because, I love her already. Lol, kidding. After a minute, Jisoo replied. She told me that she's with her friends and they're at a cafe. I was about to reply when she texted again.


And my friends wants to meet you. Please, tell me you're busy. They'll probably bombard you some questions.

I laugh a little as I read her message. Well, I'm bored anyway, so I think I'll just hang out with them.

To: Jisooyalove💋
Nah, I'll be there in a few minutes.Tell me the address, see you in a bit.

Once she sended me the address, I quickly placed my phone on the bed and took a short shower. After taking a shower and drying myself, I wore my black hot pants and a loose white sweater with thw nike logo printed on the chest area. I also wore my long black socks pared with a black shoes.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and left my room. I saw Lisa on the floor, playing with her pet cat, Leo. Which reminds me of something.

"Where's Kuma?" I asked. She looks up to me and raised her eyebrow.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked back.

"Don't answer me with a question. Now tell me?" I asked as I groan.

"You just asked me a question too after I asked a question." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Why you--ugh. Nevermind." I said and started walking again. She stood up and run towards me, pushing me which made me lost my balance and fell on the floor. She was on top of me, again.

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