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Jisoo's Pov

"Jendeuk, are you okay?" I asked Jennie as I saw her smiling at herself.

"Jen, you look stupid." I heard Lisa said and laugh, getting a hit from Rosé

"Ouch! What was that for?" Lisa asked while touching the hitted part.

"Don't say bad words, Lisa." Rosè said and kissed the part where she hitted.

I rolled my eyes at them and focused on my Jendeuk.

"Jenduekie~" I called her

She heard me and looked at me.

"Oh, uhm. Did you say something Jichu?" She asked as she scooted next beside me.

"You were smiling like an idiot Jen, something's up?" Lisa asked recieving another hit from Rosé

"I told you no bad words" Rosé replied.

"I am just happy." Jennie said making us three look at her

"Happy of what?" We asked

"Happy of all of us four!" She answered and hugged us

We hugged her back and stayed like that for a minute.

We can tell that we're happy for each of us. I am happy dating Jennie, she's happy being with me and same goes to Lisa and Rosé. We are all happy.

"Hey guys" I heard Lisa spoke

We let go of each other and looked at her

"Can we just live together?" She suggest making us smile and nodded like crazy.

"Yeheeeey! We can now spend together everyday!" Lisa said jumping in joy

Lisa pulled Rosé and made her jump with her. They were happy celebrating as Jennie and I watched them with a smile.

Jennie held my hand and gave it a light peck, making me smile wider.

"I am happy, Jichu." She said and kissed my neck.

I looked at her and kissed her cheek.

"Me too, Jendeuk." I sad and smiled.

This is the best day ever, and I know there is more to come. I looked at our hands and smiled again.

I still remember how we started, from that bar. Where she put a kissmark on my neck. Where we started hanging out, from having crushes to each other, for caring to each other and for having this, living now with each other.

"Jennie!" Lisa yelled making us look at her

"I dare you to put a kissmark on her neck!" She said and we all laugh together.

"I still remember that night." Jendeukie said

"We all do" Lisa, Rosé and I said at the same time.

We then agreed to watch a movie. As we sat at the couch, after a few minutes we noticed that the maknaes was already felt asleep.

"I love you." We said at the same time, making us smile wide.

Jennie kissed my lips, I closed my eyes and feel her kiss on me. I put my arm on her shoulder and pulled her closer.

Her kisses went deeper that I almost drown. I let go of the kiss and gave a kiss to her nose instead.

"I love you Jennie." I said and smiled.

"I love you too Jisoo." She replied.


Sorry, if the last chapter is short and sorry for the typos. I am busy in school and in my sister's 18th birthday. I have to make things settle. Thanks for the 500+ followers. I appreciated. Since, no one replied at my message on my profile. So, I think I'll just call you guys, cacti. Stay hydrated my cacti~

rhaexcacti ♡

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