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Jisoo's Pov

"Jisoo." I heard someone called my name.

"Oh, hey." I answered as my co-worker, Jinyoung went beside me.

"Uhm, are you busy later? I was wondering if we can hang out." He said as he scratched his nape.

Oh, no. Not again. He always asked this everday and I'm getting tired of rejecting him. I was about to answer when we heard the door of our cafe, opened. A lady, who is much taller than me came into our view. She was beautiful. What attracts my attention is her monolid eyes. So pretty.

"One iced coffee with milk, please." The customer said and smiled. Damn, she's so pretty. I heard Jinyoung sigh and went to his place to make the customer's order.

"What size, ma'am?" I asked

"Grande." She simply answered. I told Jinyoung the size and he just nodded.

"Okay, that'll be $2.65." I gently smiled to the lady as she gave me her money. A couple of seconds, the lady's phone rang. She was surprised for a moment but answered it anyway.

"Oh, hi bunny. Yes, I'm on my way. I was getting myself some drink here at...Ah really? Already? I'll be there hahahaa. Missed your bear already? Fine, I'll be quick. Okay...bye hyun! Loveyouuu." I heard the lady happily said.

As Jingyoung finished making it, he handed to me. I mumbled a small 'thank you' and gave the drink to the customer.

"Thank you." The lady said and left our cafe.

"She's so pretty." I said as I rest my arms on the table. I heard Jinyoung scoffed making me looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a confused face.

"She's pretty, alright but she's a lesbian. Tsk, what a waste." He bluntly said making me bit my lower lip.

"What's wrong being a lesbian?" I asked as I stopped myself from slapping his face.

"Well, being lesbian is so wrong. I mean, why would you fall in love to your same gender? That is so disgusting." He said. Okay, that's it. I went to him and slapped his face making him shocked at what I just did.

"Well then. Now you know why I don't want to go out with you." I madly said. 

"You're lesbian? Why all the girls I like are lesbians? Such a crap." He asked as he caressed his left cheek.

"Not just that, I don't like hanging out with a jerk. You dickhead!" I said and went to the staff room. I took my bag and left the cafe. I am not gonna go back there anymore. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and called my boss.

"Hey, boss. I'm sorry but I quit." I said as soon my boss picked up the call.

"Eh? Why so sudden?" My boss asked as soon as she heard what I said. Her name is Jessica Jung. She looks cold but she's warm on the inside. Also, she has a girlfriend. More like fiancé, named Kim Taeyeon and their wedding is on three months.

"Jinyoung was being a jerk." I simply said. I heard my boss let out a sigh before saying.

"Oh, okay. I can just assign you to another branch. How 'bout the cafe that is near the school? Sounds great?"

"Thanks boss. I appreciate it." I sincerely said as I smiled. Oh, how lucky I am being her employee.

"Good, just enjoy your day right now." I heard her say and she hung up.

I saw boutique nearby and went inside. I just looked around and sat on a chair near the fitting room. I was looking at the fabrics when suddenly I heard a voice beside me.

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