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Jennie's Pov

"Finally! You have a job now." I heard Lisa said as I finished wearing my uniform. She was leaning on the door frame but I just ignored her as I went outside my room.

"Yah! Don't just ignore me." Lisa said as she follows me. I stopped then looked at her.

"What?" I flatly asked. She frowned then crossed her arms and pouted.

"You didn't tell me that you have a new job." she said as she continued pouting. Geez, this kid.

"Okay, I have a new job now. I'm like a saleslady on a boutique." I said as I gave her a small smile.

"I'm so happy for you." Lisa said as she started to cry making me confused.

"Why are you crying?" I asked as I wiped her tears.

"You have a job now, you won't have to borrow some money again." she joked as she continued crying.

I raised my left eyebrow as I looked at her. Well, she was right. I kept on borrowing some money on her. If I have to go somewhere, I asked Lisa some money. Now, I have a job I can now pay her back.

"Thanks for lending me some money." I said as I hugged her. She was surprised at first but she hugged me back. I'm not much of a hugger but Lisa is my friend and she means so much to me.

"I am always here for you." she said as we hugged for a few more minutes.

"So, I heard Jisoo was transfered to another branch of the cafe she works on." Lisa said as we pulled out of our hug.

"Oh, is that so. She never mentioned it yesterday though." I mumbled sadly.

"Did you say something?" Lisa asked as she fixed her hair.

"Umm, how did you know?" I just asked as I scratch my neck.

"Rosé told me. We were talking last night then she randomly open up about it. Jisoo unnie was transfered because her co-working was hitting on her." Lisa explained as she shrugged. I nodded and we went to our kitchen.

Lisa pulled out a box of cereal and some milk. I took two bowls from the cabinet and two spoons from the drawers and placed it on the table. Lisa then pour out some cereals and putting some milk. We ate our breakfast silently for the first time.

"What's wrong with you?" I heard Lisa asked as she chew her cereals.

"What?" I asked as stopped myself from eating.

"You were silent just now. Everything's okay?" Lisa asked in concerned. I shook my head as I smiled.

"Nice fake smile you got there." Lisa said and slowly shook her head.

I rolled my eyes and just continued eating. I heard Lisa sigh and continued eating.

"Don't tell me you're sad because Jisoo unnie didn't tell you." Lisa said as she finished eating her cereal. I just looked at my cereal.

"Don't be sad." Lisa said and patted my head. She placed her bowl on the sink and went to her room.

"I'll go get ready for work." I heard her yelled. I just remained silent.

Why didn't she told me? I mean, we we're hanging out and...she didn't even open up. And why am I like this?
I stared at my cereals as I let myself drowned on my own thoughts.

"Hey, you okay?" I blinked repeatedly as I realized that Lisa was now in front of me.

"What?" I softly asked. She has a confused face as she stares at me. I avoided her eyes as I stood up and placed my cereals on the sink.

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