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Jisoo's Pov

Jennie likes me?

Thinking of that thought makes me smile.
Well, I kinda like Jennie too. The way I get nervous when we are close, the way my heart flutters when she say my name. The way a frown is showing to my face when I don't get to see her, I think that is enough to make me believed that I am starting to have these feelings for her.

So currently we're here in front of her apartment's door. It's cute that she is shaking a little bit as she opened it.

As we finally went in, she told me sit on her couch so I gladly followed. She closed the door and sat beside me.

"Sooo..." she started breaking the silence. I smiled and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, are you nervous?" She shook her head as she looked at her lap. Cute!

I was about to say something when she looked at me straight to my eyes making me feel nervous.

"Uhmm Jennie?" I called her as she went closer to me.

Under her stare, I felt that I was naked even if I'm not. She has this beautiful cat eyes that makes me want to look at it longer.

"Jisoo.." she said as she went more closer, her face was just inches away from me. She held something on my head.

"Jisoo, you're still wearing your cat headband from your work?" She said and I let out an embarrassed laugh.

"Well, I just forgot to take this off Jen." I said in excuse taking the headband off.

"Nooo, it looks cute on you Jisoo." She said stopping me from removing it.

A smile was written on my face as I heard that.

"I think that suited me more." She jokes and was about to take it from me which I stopped her immediately making me fall back on the couch.

Realizing that she's on top of me, my face flushed a red tint on my cheeks. Omg!
She was also blushing, but neither of us wanted to speak a single word.

After minutes of staring at each other, we heard sound of keys opening the door.

"Damn, Leo still won't walk in the par-- oh! So you play Master/cat role when you do se--ack!" Lisa didn't have time to finish her sentences when Jennie hit her some pillow in her face. Poor, Lisa.

"Stop saying shits!" Jennie embarrassedly yelled to Lisa.

"Okay! But that hurt though." Lisa said as she carressed her face making Jennie smile in guilt.

"Anyway, do you also live here Lisa?" I asked and she nodded like a kid.

"Yea, we've been living together since we bacame soooo close." Lisa said as she hugged Jennie

"Oh, that's cute."  I shortly said and smile.
Lisa smiled at me while Jennie gave me a shy smile.

"How close?" I asked. Jennie was about to answer when Lisa suddenly speak.

"This clooooose" Lisa said as she hugged Jennie much harder and kissed her cheek.

"Oh, t-that's great." I flatly said and gave them a small smile.

"By the way, have you seen Rosé?" Lisa asked not pulling away from Jennie.

I just shrugged as a reply.

"Okay then, I'll just get going. Be back around two." Lisa said

"Two? What? It's already past 3pm." Jennie asked. Well yeah, Jennie has a point.

"What I meant is, Two. Twomorrow. Get it?" Lisa said and laugh at her own joke. Jennie just gave Lisa a blank stare.

"Just leave." Jennie said and Lisa, once again laugh and left.

"Gosh, Lisa's not so good at jokes. " Jennie said and sigh.

"She sucks." I replied at her.

"Well, I am good at making jokes." I added suddenly which made Jennie looked at me.

"Oh really, then give me your best shot." Jennie challenged me.

"Okaayy, watch me make you laugh." I said in confident. I took a deep breath and looked at her.

"I have three jokes." I said

"What?" She asked as she crossed her arms

"Joke, joke and joke." I said with a grin as I also crossed my arms.

Jennie looked away as she lean back at the couch. The cirner of her mouth twitched a little and let out a disappointed sigh.

"You hungry? I can cook." She said, totally ignoring my joke. I fake a cough and scooted right next to her.

"Was that bad?" I asked as I clung to her arms. She looked at me straight and said,

"It was not that bad Jisoo." She said and smiled which made me smile

"It was worst" she added making my smile turned into a frown quickly.

"Yah! How can you say that!" I said in a loud voice and slapped her arm.

"Chill, Jisoo." Jennie said

"You must like Lisa a lot that's why you said that I'm more sucks than her." I said and pout not knowingly what I just said.

Jennie was quite all of a sudden. I crossed my legs as I sigh.

"Are you jealous?" She asked breaking the silence around us.

I looked away as I blushed. Didn't knew Jennie was so straightforward.

Am I jealous?

Well, I got upset when Lisa kissed her earlier and Jennie didn't react at all. I wish I was the one who kissed her.

Is this jealousy? If it is, then so be it.

"Yes, got a problem with that?" I said as I looked straight at her cat-looking eyes.


So, here's an update. I'm sorry if you waited for too long but thankyou for waiting patiently, my readers. I hoped you like this chap. I promised to update as soon as possible. Btw, school just started, hello 2nd semester lol. See you in the next chapter people.


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