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"Okay, that was really embarassing. Why didn't you told me that Rosé was there?" I heard Lisa complained onced I entered our apartment.

"What? I also didn't expected them to be there." I said and rolled my eyes.
I let Kuma down and sat on our couch and held my head.

"That was so embarassing. Why did you even called me and went to me." I complained as I hugged our pillow.

"Well, for your information. I didn't expect them to be there too." Lisa whined and kick the couch making her hurt her own foot. What a loser.

"Still you made us embarassed." I whispered and scream on the pillow.
I felt her sat beside me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry unnie." She apologized. I lightly flick her wide forehead which made her groan in pain.

"Nah, don't be. At least they'd still want to hang out with us." I cheered her up.


"Oh, you know her Jennie?" Jisoo asked. I hesitantly nodded. I am so embarassed right now. Lisa, on the other hand is frozen. She was looking at Chaeyoung, more like straring at her.

"Rosé?" Lisa asked. Rosé? Who's Rosé? I saw Chaeyoung's eyes squinted as she smiled widely. Have they met?

"Oh! Lalisa! It's youuuu." Chaeyoung exclaimed happily and went to hug Lisa.

"I never thought that we'll meet in Korea too." Chaeyoung added as she release the both of them from their hug.

"Oh Rosie. I missed you so much." Lisa said as she smiled.

"Tha't why I had a hard time recognizing you from the distance. You even change your hair color, what happened to your blonde hair?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Well, I tried to color it something else and I think light brown suits me. But now that you mentioned my blonde hair, it makes me want to change it back to blonde." Lisa said. Okay, hello? We're still here. Why are you two ignoring Jisoo and I? Jisoo suddenly let out a cough making us three looked at her.

"Uhm excuse me? Have you two forgotten about us?" Jisoo asked as she point to herself then to me making Chaeyoung giggled.

"I am so sorry. It's been so long that I have seen Lisa and it just made me happy that I see her now." Chaeyoung said and smiled.

"Okay, how 'bout we go to a nearby cafe and just chill there?" Jisoo suggested making Lisa slowly nodded.

"Sounds good." I said and we went to a cafe nearby.

As we get there, Jisoo voluntered to order making Chaeyoung also voluntered leaving us no pther choice but to wait for them.

"Geez, that was so embarassing Manoban." I muttered as I pinched her side making her scrunched her face.

"I didn't saw them earlier. I was focused on finding you and showing you that a person can actually walk their cats on the streets or parks just like me and Leo." She said.

"Did she made fun of me?" Lisa asked making me raised my right eye brow.

"Who?" I simply asked.

"Who else? Rosé, of course." Lisa answered and rolled her eyes.

"Well, not really but she laughed at you dude." I said as I completely laid on the couch.

"Oh gosh! I thinked my image is already ruined." Lisa said as she rested her arm on the arm rest of the couch.

"Hey, we're back." We heard Chaeyoung said excitedly and sat beside Lisa. Jisoo quitely sat beside me as she hand us our drinks.

"Oh, you still remember my favorite drink." Lisa said as she smile at Chaeyoung.

"Of course."  Chaeyoung said and also smiled then the both of them was lost in their own world.

"I picked your drink, I hoped you liked it though." Jisoo said to me as she placed her hands on her drink.

I looked at my drink and it was a strawberry flavored shake. Oh, I actually don't drink strawberry flavored. I prefer milk though. I looked at Jisoo and smiled at her then drank it. The moment I tasted the flavor I really wanted to spit it out but I can't. Not in front of my crush. I slowly swallowed it, keeping my straight face then gave Jisoo a smile.

"It's good. Thanks." I said making Jisoo smile too. Ack, strawberry is so out of my taste. I like sweets. Yes, they look sweet but the taste is completely the opposite.

"That's great. You want some?" Jisoo said as she hand me her drink. I gladly took it and drank it.

"Oh, that taste so good." I said as I hand her drink back. She smiled at me and also drank her drink. I felt myself blushed. Did we just had an indirect kiss?

I bet her lips taste much more good than the drink.

I saw Jisoo cough and gently wiped her lips with a tissue as I noticed a pink tint on her cheeks.

"Yep. You like her, alright." I heard Lisa said as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Wait, what?" I asked as I widen my eyes. Did I actually say it so loud?

"Oh, nothing." Lisa said and just smirked.

Chaeyoung's phone suddenly rang, indicating a text message. She pulled out her phone and checked her message.

"Oh, I gotta go. I need to attend something. Let's hang out again some other time." She said and said goodbye to us.

"Well, I have something to do." Lisa also said while smirking and left us with Leo on her arms, leaving us two again.

"Why do they always leave us?" I heard Jisoo said and let out a sigh. I just shrugged as I lean on my chair.

"Well, I also need to go somewhere though." Jisoo said making me frown. She must have noticed my frown because she pinched my cheek.

"Stop frowning, we'll hang out next time." She said and smile, making me smile too.

"So, let's go?" She said and I nodded. We both left the cafe while carrying our dogs then she went somewhere while I went home.

~End of flashback~

"I miss her already." I mumbled but Lisa heard it.

"Oh, unnie. Just make a move already. If you don't, someone would own her before you do." Lisa warned me but I just smiled.

"Nah, I think she would freak out. I mean, we just met you know." I said but she just shrugged.

"Well, I'm gonna make Rosé mine." I heard her say and went to her room.
I let out a small laugh. Lisa sure is confident.

"I'll try to make you mine, Kim Jisoo." I said to no one.

Yes, I'll make her mine and mine only. Just you wait, Jisoo. You'll be mine and I'll be yours.


Ugh, why is school that hard? Anyway, I'm getting busy at school, so I can't update that fast lol. Also, thank you for following meeeee. Happy 300+ followers lmao. I didn't expect to have that many followers. I know, it's not that many but 300 is a big number for me. A big thank you for reading and for voting, also for commenting to my stories. I really really appreciate it a lot guys. Xoxo :) in addition, sorry for the typos and error. I just published it without checking the grammars, spelling and etc. Seee yaaaa.

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