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I looked around as I find where the voice is coming from. The voice is so familiar.


There is a small figure not that far away from me. The figure kept on getting bigger as it comes forward me.

"Jennie." The figure said.

"Jisoo? What are you doing here?"
I asked her. Yes, she was in front of me.

"I'm fetching my girlfriend. What else?" She said making me wide my eyes. Is she for real?

"What? G-Girlfriend? Me?" I stuttered as I blushed. I'm her girlfriend? Her girlfriend? Seriously?

"Jennie, wake up." I looked at my back and saw Lisa. What the? What is she doing here? I was about to ask her when suddenly she slap me.

"What the hell?"


What the fuck! That hurts like hell. I opened my eyes and saw Lisa, looking at me while smirking.

"Finally! You're awake. You were mumbling Jisoo's name. Ha! You were dreaming about her, didn't you?" She teased as I stood up and fixed my bed. I just ignored her and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself and noticed that my cheeks has a pink tint.

"Gosh, it was all just a dream. Damn." I said to myself then I washed my face and went out the bathroom.

Lisa was still there and smiling. I just rolled my eyes and ignored her. I went to my closet and pulled out a black crop top and a black high waist pants. I let my hair down and also putted some light make up and grabbed my black cap then wore it. All black is my mood right now.

"Where are you going?" Lisa asked as I finished getting ready.

"Somewhere without you." I answered while I scroll on my phone.

"You always leave me here alone." Lisa complained as she pout.

"You have Leo here." I said still scrolling on my phone. I heard her whined and went to me.

"Can I go with youuuuuu? I'm getting lonely here and so bored. I don't have anything to entertain myself." She asked in her baby voice. Aish, this girl.

"Then masterbate." I flatly said making her slap my arm hard.

"OUCH! THE FUCK!" I screamed in pain. I didn't expect her to slap me that hard, geez.

"Eeeewwww, I don't do those kinds of things." Lisa said and rolled her eyes.

"Lisa, just let me go without you."
I begged as I held her hands.

"Why?" She innocently asked. I caressed her cheek as I smile which made her smile too.

"Because, I am so sick seeing your face everyday. I mean, who would want to see an ugly face every single day?" I sweetly said and pinched her cheek lightly making her smile turned into a frown.

"You're so mean." She said and pouted. I just let out a small laugh and patted her head.

"Kuma? Where are you?" I said as I find Kuma. I heard some barks and saw that Kuma was running towards me, Leo following behind Kuma.

"Hey, baby. Let's go for a walk." I said making Kuma jumped in excitement.
I went to my room again and grabbed Kuma's slash.

"Can I come? I want to take Leo for a walk too." Lisa suddenly said as I attached the rope on Kuma's collar.

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