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Jennie's Pov

"Oh, so you already knew each other? Wonderful." Ms. Jung said as she clap her hands.

"Well, I'll get ready to work now. Goodbye Ms. Jung, Ms. Kim and to you too Jennie." Jisoo kindly said and bowed. Then she went to the staff room.

"You like her?" I heard Ms. Kim asked. At first I was a little shocked then I slowly shook my head. They both laughed after they looked at each other.

"Oh, Jennie. That's how I looked at Jessica when I started liking her. Then everything went slow motion. It's like, she was just the only thing I see. Only her." Ms. Kim said as she looked at Jessica with full of love.

"Am I that obvious?" I asked shyly. They just smiled and nodded.

"Yes, sweetie." Ms. Jung said.

Ahh shit.

"Do you think Jisoo noticed it?"
I asked in a low voice as I look at the staff room's door.

Taeyeon and just Jessica just smiled as they shrugged.

I hoped not, I am still not ready to confess.

"You know Jennie, just let your feelings out because the more you hide it, the more it wamts to come out." Taeyeon said as she crossed her arms while she grin feeling like she just answered a billionare's question.

Jessica just pinched Taeyeon's side while saying "Don't give her pressure pabo." Taeyeon just pouted and looked at her lover with puppy eyes.

"Just be yourself, and don't think too much. Okay?" Jessica said to me ignoring Taeyeon.

I nodded as I look at my lap.

Am I falling in love? To Jisoo?

I shook my head slightly, as I think.
Minutes later, Jisso went out the staff room and started cleaning tables.

"Jisoo, you can have a day-off today." I heard Jessica said, making Jisoo looked confused.

"Uhmm why ma'am?" Jisoo asked obviously.

"Well, we planned to have a honeymoon today Ms. Kim" Taeyeon said which automatically Jessica punched her stomach.

"Stop telling lies, byuntae." Jessica said and just sigh because of her lover's behavior.

"Jennie here needs a little help, and I think only you can help her Jisoo." Jessica said as she smile.

Wait what?

"Oh, is that so?" Jisoo said as she stoped herself from cleaning and added,

"Then I'd be gladly to." Jisoo said and gave me a smile.

Oh wow, how can someone have that perfect smile. Damn, it melts my heart as I looked at it.

"Then off you go~" Taeyeon sang and grin. Aish, this woman.

After a few minutes, Jisoo was now beside me as we started to walk out the café. We bid goodbyes to our bosses as we walk.

"Our bosses are sometimes weird, don't you agree?" Jisoo asked breaking the silent as soon as we went out the café.

"Uhh yeah, a little." I just said.

We walk for about a couple of minutes when suddenly she stopped, making me looked at her.

She looked at me with her hand on her head, scratching it while giving me a smile.

"Umm, where exactly are we going though?" She asked making me blushed.

"I uhh.."

Crap! Where should we go? The park? Nah to common.

"Well...to the..."

Think of a place Jen. The mall? Okay, no. Too many people.

"Where?" Jisoo asked patiently waiting for my answer.

Come on Jen, a place where we can talk and chill. Think!

"My apartment." I said without thinking twice, making me blushed.

Any place other than that Jen, gosh! Just eat me already ground.

"Oh, okay." Jisoo cooly said and gave me a slightly smile.

"Just lead the way, Jendeuk."
She said making me looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, Jisoo." I said.


Okaaaaaay, it's been months I haven't update and I wanted to say sorry to all of my readers. Just installed wattpad again tho lol. Soooo, anyway a big thankyou to my loyal readers, I really appreciated your loyalty. Mwaaa~ and sorry for the short update hehe. I'll make it up in the next chapter. Loveyouu!

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