Jul 31 - End-of-Month Blog

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Whoo, another month out of the way! I've passed 200 posts, I've only missed a couple of posts (and even then, only on a technicality) and I've gotten... no closer to figuring out what I want my long-term story to be. Part of me is worried about uploading it to a self-publishing place like Amazon, but most of me acknowledges that it's... well, it's got to happen if I want to get it out. I'm nervous, though, because I have so little money that I literally need to have it succeed if I want to continue doing what I'm doing. That's another story, though, and a rather complicated one. Let's talk about something else, shall we?

Okay, I know for absolutely certain that I want to write a fantasy story. I'm torn between high fantasy and urban fantasy, with a stronger inclination towards the latter - I like the idea of double-lives, and this is a good step towards that. The question is of plot; I could go for a serialised approach (for example, a bounty hunter sent to conquer any magical threats subtly, like White Mask) and include various major mythological beings as either allies or opponents. Alternatively, I could focus on a single story; have a larger, more dangerous foe as a result, or maybe a series of foes under a general employ. Plenty of options... I'd like to reuse the Garden of the Alraune characters, but I definitely need to iron that world out some more.

On the sci-fi angle, I could always attempt a sequel to A Dot in the Abyss. The question is, however, what sort of story would I go for? I could follow it up another level, ask the question what it means to be human - inter-species wars are fun in fantasy, I'm sure I could follow them up in sci-fi, especially considering the previously-touched ideas of genetic treatment. Ideas are forming... even further into the future than ADitA, where interplanetary and even interstellar travel are commonplace... Yes, that's something I could work with, though I still need to iron out the details. Mainly a question of who fights who...

Don't really know what else to write about, won't lie. Personal life's going crazy, online's going okay, found /r/writingprompts for a few of the ideas you've seen, it's just... business as normal, I guess. So it's on that note that I'm going to leave this a little shorter than normal. As usual, if you have an idea you want me to try writing about, talk to me! I'm eager to try anything new.

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