FLUFF | Finally Out

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Filming a movie hasn't always been this hard. 

Chris and Sebastian knew that for sure. 

But when a scene requires you to kiss, things get a little more challenging.

Especially when the two main leads are in a secret relationship.

 It was a Friday, and the Russos wanted to make the death scene of Steve Rogers increasingly painful for the fans. 

Especially for those Stucky shippers. 

"What do you want us to do?" Chris asks, fully in costume looking at Joe.

"For the seventh time, Chris, we want you to hold him close once he catches you, say your last words of undying love, kiss him, then die during the kiss." Anthony continued for his brother.

"Everybody take 10!" Joe shouts, alerting the cast and crew of a quick break; walking off set with his brother.

"Why all the concern? Do you hate Sebastian THAT much?" Anthony Mackie walks towards him with a chuckle.

"I don't hate him. I just... m-maybe he's uncomfortable with kissing guys or doing this scene, ya know?" He stutters, trying hard to think of an excuse.

"Really? Sebastian? The guy who's played the role of a gay man and kissed dudes? Uncomfortable kissing you? I doubt that entirely." Hemsworth joins the conversation, walking towards Mackie, clearly showing whose side he's on.

"Who's uncomfortable kissing who?" Sebastian walks back to the set, holding an apple in his metal arm.

"We were just talkin about why the fuck Chris over here doesn't wanna kiss ya for the movie." Anthony says nonchalantly. As if anything like this has happened before.

Sebastian's eyes widen as he drops the apple to the floor, choking on the piece he took a bite of a few seconds ago.

He manages to cough it out and looks at Chris dead in the eye as if they were telepathically speaking.

Sebastian then rushes off set to his trailer, fully knowing Chris will be following in a few moments.

Curious, Anthony and Hemsworth start to pester Chris with questions as he walks toward the craft service, refusing to answer either or them.

"Guys, as much as I want to answer your questions, I'm tired. I'll see you in 5 minutes back in there." He says as he begins to walk to his trailer.

While walking, he looks around the environment to see what he can use to know if Chris and Anthony had left before he runs to Sebastian's trailer. Seeing a fairly reflective piece of metal where the quinjet was, he uses it to his advantage.

Moving side to side, he watches the two as they walk off using the metal; then makes a run for it to a different trailer.

He knocks on the door and waits for an answer.

Suddenly, he gets pulled in  by the collar of his shirt and the door slams shut; leaving a harsh bang.

"Sorry, sorry." Sebastian says, straightening his posture to look properly at Chris.

"It's fine. You think they're suspicious?" Chris asks, whispering for safety measures.

"Hopefully not. I don't want anyone finding out about our little secret just yet." Sebastian replies, walking towards Chris and putting his hands on the older man's hips.

Chris wraps his arms around Sebastian's neck and pulls him in closer, "What are we gonna do later? What if we get carried away?"

"I won't let that happen. Though, the thought of roleplaying as our characters during our private time turns me on." Seb smirks, kissing Chris.

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