ANGST | Happier

557 7 4

First of all, I stopped writing for 3 weeks due to exams and my mental health being way worse than what it was with my reads at 500... I return, fresh from turning 16 and passing all my exams, to find out that this book got 1,000; that's inSANE. Really, thanks for reading this book so much I'm speechless


I was gonna publish those 6 chapters I wrote weeks ago but I wasn't too happy about their storylines and wanted to make them better so

Sorry for this being short, I'm still trying to get back the writing spirit after everything that happened


Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier

Chris was walking down the street with bags of groceries when he sees Sebastian, hand-in-hand a beautiful lady who was probably 32, smiling wide; it was as if they were talking about a rather interesting topic.

Saw you walk inside a bar
She said something to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah, you look happier, you do

Before he turns the corner, he sees the two of them walk inside the little pub, laughing at something the woman said, Sebastian clutching his stomach tight with tears of joy.

Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're moving on with someone new

Chris walks back to his house droopy and pale that day, Dodger pounces on him sensing the sudden mood shift and tried to make him smile or even look at him. But what Chris saw tore him more than the first week they actually broke up.

Even though he was happy that his former lover had found someone new to enjoy life with, he felt saddened that it wasn't him. A part of him knew why he didn't come back into his arms while another, denied everything that had happened within the past month.

'Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you

During the last few days of filming reshoots for the second half of Infinity War, Chris's mind wanders to that day he saw Sebastian and that woman. He was happy he got someone beautiful and stunning to share another chapter of his life with and in these thoughts the tears begin to fall.

He smiles through the droplets coming from his eyes as Scarlett and Elizabeth walk towards his chair and hugs him, both knowing how painful it is to see your ex moving on so quickly while you are sitting in a ball of your own tears.

Lizzie gives him a handkerchief for him to wipe his tears away and he does so, immediately getting called for his scene as Downey's had finished a mere few seconds ago.

Putting on a brave face and a small fake smile, he gives back the now wet piece of cloth and walks back to the centre of the scene.

Sat on the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you're happier
Aren't you?

Sitting in a dark corner in his trailer, Chris was already downing his third bottle of beer as he looks around the little space.

Pictures of his and Sebastian's dates were still hung up on the wall, a little Bucky Bear sat on the sofa, and some of the other man's clothes were even on the rack behind the trailer door.

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