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Last Part of the 'Happier' Evanstan mini series
Set two years after Sebastian and Ellie got married (2023)


'Chris Evans had been cast in a new movie as a gay, washed-up director' the headlines read as Sebastian was getting ready for his first day on set.

He was pretty sure this day was going to hit him hard and the following few months would be hell.

I couldn't help but to notice
Your ring is now on your right
You let this darkness surround you
And are nowhere left in sight

Chris makes it to set and immediately catches sight of his ex.

Sebastian Stan.

He walks right past the man expecting to see a cheery yet shy expression; however, all he saw were dull eyes and his wedding ring on his right ring finger.

And as you burn under the page
Of all those notes we used to write
I can feel it all fade

He remembers the notes they would pass each other way back when, when they were young and in love.

And hidden.

Unfortunately, he recalls the day Sebastian burned them all as well.

It was supposed to be an effect - CGI - for Infinity War, really; but he wanted it to be real and he just... threw them in the pit.

He told Mackie it was 'part of the moving on process.'

Heck, that scene didn't even make it into the final cut.

But it hurt them both deep down.

You take your steps with such confidence
But inside you're not alright

Sebastian walks from one part of the set to another, looking strong and tough and composed.

However, Chris knew it was a thick facade.

He may look okay, but inside those eyes he saw earlier told a completely different story.

You want to tell me you love me
But you know that it's not the right way to think
Cuz we tried once
Now it's blank, empty canvas of white

There was a scene where Sebastian's character, Alex, had to perform an operation on Chris's character, Nick, after an earthquake had completely demolished the set of his supposed 'come-back project' and crushed him nearly to death.

The patient was in the recovery room when the doctor walks in.

Slowly, he wakes up, confused and looked like he was screaming at himself on why he ended up in the hospital than dead.

"Are you feeling alright?" Sebastian's character asks, checking over the clipboard to see the status of the patient.

"Y-yeah, I guess." Chris's character replies, more focused on the man in front of him than his own injuries.

"That's good to here, I'm sorry about what happened to your set. Luckily, there have not been any cases of death, just minor injuries here and there on the actors and crew." the doctor turns around, preparing to leave.

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