FLUFF | A New Beginning

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Steve stands with Tony and Thor facing Thanos.

Unfortunately, he sees the army growing behind the Mad Titan and suddenly feels his stomach sink in worry.

Then, however, portals start opening like the ones Bruce had described Dr. Strange using and he sees T'Challa walk out and hope builds.

Portal after portal of reinforcements open, but Steve only cares about seeing one particular face among the rapidly growing reinforcements behind them.

Steve falters in his step when he catches sight of long soft locks and the glint of Vibranium.

"Buck?" He speaks into the comms, barely believing this was happening.

"Hey punk" The man speaks back with that signature shit-eating tone.

He looks around the massive crowd to find the owner of that voice and once he did, he sprints as fast as he could and hugs him tightly, not wanting to let go ever again.

"I'm sorry- I'm sorry I failed. I'm gonna make it right." Steve whimpers against Bucky's shoulder.

He hugs him tight and kisses his forehead, "We're back aren't we? That's all that matters," He purrs resting his forehead on Steve's.

Steve nods "Now, if you don't mind, I gotta go help kill the ass that took you from me."

"Call it, doll." he looks at him with a determined nod, standing beside him as always.

"Avengers!" Steve calls out to their army, Thor's hammer flying into his hand as he holds a broken shield in the other.

"Assemble." He finishes as he throws Mjolnir from his hand, sending it flying into the opposing side.

Bucky smiles at him as they charge towards the swarm of extra-terrestrials despite being afraid of this one's outcome as well, his smile immediately being changed to a furious determined look.

The battle was hard and bloody and seemed never-ending.

It wasn't until Tony snapped his fingers with his own gauntlet that people actually thought it'd be over.

Of course, all the Avengers and the Guardians had held each other' hands and connected to themselves to Tony in some way, courtesy of Quill's quick thinking.

It would be crazy if they just let Tony - a mortal man - take on the power of all the Infinity Stones.

They all let go once the snap had been done and the bright flash of light slowly fades away, Tony having suffered a third-degree burn as he uses his suit to extinguish the heat from the radiation and cool his arm a bit.

Injured, but very-much alive.

Pepper slings her arms around him, careful of his arm, and holds him tight.

The heroes all stand around watching as each and every one of their opponents turn to dust, the destruction of the compound looking more prominent than the space army.

Thanos sits on some rubble watching all his work fly up in ashes, both figuratively and literally, as he accepts his defeat.

He sighs looking down at his feet, seeing them turn to dust as it happens to the rest of his body.

The last he sees is the face of Tony Stark looking happy and relieved he had brought everyone back while also not losing what he found.

The next day, they all held a funeral for Clint. 

Natasha had told all of them how he sacrificed himself for the Soul Stone to bring his family back 'whatever it takes.'

Bucky was comforting Steve, an arm around him as the blond watches a bow and a single arrow sit in the centre of flowers as they float way from them and further into the lake.

A few days later, and a smaller version of the machine was now in the forest a few distances away from the Stark lake house.

Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Bruce have gathered there to return the stones and Thor's hammer to their rightful timelines so as not to mess anything up.

"Don't do anything stupid till I get back." Steve smiles infront of the man he got back after the shitstorm that was Thanos.

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." James replies softly, quietly. Like he didn't want his best friend to actually go off again just as quickly as he got him back.

Steve steps forward and gives him a tight hug, not yet fully coming around to the idea that they had won after everything.

With a deep sigh, Steve steps onto the machine and grabs the case, taking a look back at the men infront of him: his childhood best friend, his new-age best friend, and his teammate; all of which had grown into what he proclaims as his family.

He grabs Mjölnir from the side as the machine is turned on, and within a matter of seconds, he vanishes into the past.

"Bringing him back in...

Steve doesn't return and Bucky's heart begins to ache, knowing all along what Steve would do when given the chance to go back in time.

"Where the hell is he?" Sam begins to ask worriedly, walking around and around the machine for any hope that Steve may very well be there.

"Bring him back." He stresses to Bruce, who was equally stressing out.

Just when all hope was seeming to be lost, a bright flash of light comes out from the machine again, revealing Steve without the stones or Mjolnir, but instead, a circular worn out bag.

With a relieved chuckle and a grin, Sam steps up the machine and gives him a hug, James follows a few seconds after.

Bruce smiles watching the three's reunion in relief thinking they were this close to losing Steve.

"Sorry, had to pick something up." Steve pulls away from the hug and removing the  bag from his back.

"What's that?" Sam raises an eyebrow walking closer.

"Well... when I had finished returning all the stones, I got my dance with the only girl that ever believed in me other than my own mother and got the shield." He says getting off the machine with them, walking down the hollow steps onto the grass.

"H-how? I thought it was destroyed in the battle?" Sam asks tilting his head in confusion.

"After getting my dance, I went to Wakanda in 2018 to ask T'Challa to make another one. I got away with it because 2018 me was visiting Bucky during his recovery out of cryo-" He smiles cheekily

He pulls out the shield from the bag and twirls it on his fingers, giving it to Sam, "-and I want you to have it."

"Steve- no, I can't." He says refusing the offer.

"I'm not offering." Steve smiles, putting the item in the right angle, "Try it on." 

Sam puts his arm in and stares at it in awe. 

"How does it feel?" Steve asks walking closer to Bucky.

"Like it belongs to someone else." 

"It doesn't." Steve finishes and that's when Sam actually begins to register the words.

A small silence falls among the three as they watch the lake in comfort, reflecting at everything that just happened since Thanos arrived to Earth.

"What now?" Sam asks looking at the two super-soldiers before him.

"We start anew." Steve reaffirms, his hand sliding down to hold Bucky's hand and gives it a small squeeze.

Bucky looks at him with teary eyes and squeezes back, smiling a small bit.

I'd like to thank my dear friend for helping me write this chapter amidst all the angst and pain we've experienced. She's the best person ever ily3000 J 💕

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