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*Liam's POV*
"Bye mommy bye daddy" I yell
"Bye honey" my mom yells
"Bye son," my dad says
I'm in pre-k and I'm a vampire I was born one. My parents are vampires too. I run too the bus stop right in front of my house and wait.
5 minutes later
"Hey, Liam" one of my friends yell as soon as I get off the bus to walk inside the school. "Oh, hey Jena" I wave. I'm on my way too class because let's face it school food sucks. I take a seat and get out my notebook and draw my dog. "Ok class we are going to be painting pictures of our loving family," the teacher says with joy and I see a kid raise his hand he has black raven hair, a black shirt, and a varsity jacket.
"May I use the restroom?" He asked with tears filling his eyes and his sniffing. Why is he crying? He was fine until the teacher started our assignment.

"Yea go ahead, but um Are you okay zayn?" she asked with worry
"Y-yea I'm f-fine!" He basically yelled then he ran out of the room. Everyone else was too focused on their projects too even help Zayn. "Can I use the restroom?" I ask, "Liam you wanna help him don't you?" She smiled through the sentence. "Yes," I answered shyly "It's ok Liam you can go on" she waves me off.

I thank her and run out the room to the restroom, I hear someone crying in the stall and I run over and knock.

"Hey, Zayn it's me, Liam, are you alright?" my voice lowering to a sweet soft tone. "No!" He yells and I flinch from the tone, "shhh it's alright I'm here" I tell his with a promising tone; he unlocks the stall door and I open my arms wide.

He walks over and hugs me and I'm quick to hug back, "do you wanna be friends?" he asked and I nod my head against his shoulder. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask still hugging him to let him know I'm here, "no, cause you'll leave me" he replies "I'm never leaving you ever" I promise because I won't. "Never?" He dared to ask, "never" I respond "Thank you princess" did he just call me princess. He knows that's not my name...right?

"My name is Liam" he let's go of me and chuckles "I know, you just remind me of beauty" he mumbles looking at the ground "aw thanks" I'm blushing, that's not good I'm blushing in front of Zayn.

"Hey, Zayn" he hums in response "wanna come to my house?" I ask "Yea, here" he hands me a pen and a piece of paper he dug from his pocket, "Write you're parents number," he tells me. I grab the paper and quickly drop it I got a paper cut I look at Zayn and his eyes staring at my cut.

"Zayn?" I grab his chin and look at him "Zee?", "I'm a werewolf ok!" he yells "Are you scared?" I shake my head and hug him "No I'm not because, I'm a vampire" I announce seeing him smile "wait, really!" Joy taking over his voice. "Yea!" I yell in excitement and I show him my fangs "Yea see" and he shows me his claws, I hand him the paper and smile "Are you coming today?" I ask "yea, my parents want me to get out the house to some friends anyway so yea" and he hugs me again "I'm Zayn Malik" he states.

"Wait...Malik?" I raise a brow he giggles and nods "yea" he shrugs and I nod at him smiling back brightly.

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