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Time jump
*Liam POV*
Zayn and I are out of Highschool and we have been best friends ever since pre-k. 14 years of friendship we are 18 now. We live in a Mansion together with our friends Josh and Maya. Yes they know I'm a vampire and Zayns a werewolf "Leyyyyummm" I hear Zayn as he jumps on my bed, "Zaynieeee" I mock and he hits my arm. "Wake up" I open one eye then go back to sleep "Fine" is all I hear as I'm being attacked by zayn tickling me. "Ok ok" I state in pants "I'm up" and he smiles. I still have my grey joggers and I'm completely shirtless. I go take a shower, bush my teeth and put on a plaid shirt with black skinny jeans. I jog downstairs and see Josh and Maya watching TV and Zayn is eating just staring at me I've gotting pretty used to it and Maya and Josh just smirked everytime. "Hey!" Maya and josh say, I wave and walk too Zayn.
"Hey buddy" I hug him and steal one of Zayns pancakes.

"Hey, you only love me for my food" he pouts with puppy dog eyes with his lip poking out.

"Thats not true" I protest he smiles and finish eating. Josh and Maya just stair and smirk.

I'm outside by myself in the front yard and Zayn sneaks up on me and wraps his arms around my waist and spins me as I laugh.
"Hey, princess" he smiles as he puts me down. "Hey, Zayn" I reply and Josh and Maya stair at us, are you serious do they only stair and smirk? I think to myself and look at Zayn "Are you alright? How'd it go?" Worry taking over my voice. Zayn always goes to Canada were his parents live now too see his therapist. I know why he goes and this is the first time he came back smiling for the therapist. "I didnt go because she was sick so I have too go tomorrow" he states and I nod "Princess, can I tell you something?" He asked with worry "Yea zee of course, I'm your best friend you can tell me anything" I assured he nods and take a deep breath " Im kinda in l-" Is all he got till Klous threw an arrow and I used mu speed too stop it. "Klous dont touch him or I will kill you!" Zayn yelled as he pins Klous to a tree. Klous looks beyond scared and well I dont care Zayns claws we're out and I grabbed him off Klous.
Zayn and I are in his room with the door locked
"Liam he tried to kidnap you... Again!" Zayn says with tears. "Hes in love with you but hes mad because you rejected him and obviously we won't give up" I get up and pull Zayn too sit on the bed. "Hey, Zayn calm down ok nothing will happen in fine and I'm ok" I assured and he calms down. Yes Klous admitted to having a few feelings for me but he wants revenge because I told him I don't feel the same way he does. I wipe the tears that fell from his eyes,"wanna go downstairs and watch a movie?" I ask and he nodded. Josh and Maya are putting on a movie because we have movie night every night. "So, toy story or avengers?" Josh asked as he holds them up "The notebook" Maya replies and we agree having nothing better too do. "Im getting the popcorn" I get up and get the popcorn and thanks too my hearing I can hear the conversation in the living room. "Tell him" Josh whispers and I can hear the air that flew indicating that Zayn shook his head "He'll only hate me" Zayn replies sounding weak, "No he won't you've been keeping it in since 4th grade tell him" Maya demands and Zayn shakes his head. My thoughts soon blow over as the microwave goes off I grab the popcorn and walk back to the living room, With a bowl off popcorn. I put it in the middle as Zayn wraps his arms around me and lay on his head on my shoulder. We always cuddle during movies and I know it's wrong to cuddle and hold your friends the way we do but honestly I didn't want to move out of his warm touch. I couldn't help but let my human emotion get in the way as Zayn held me telling me 'its just a movie' and I keep saying 'its not just a movie'. I get sleepy as Zayn carried me upstairs bridal style when the movie is over .

"What room, princess?" He asked and I point too his room.He nods and places me in the bed I take my shirt off and throw it on the ground and go under the covers as Zayn does the same we were facing opposite directions from each other in the bed bundled under the covers and I had to admit I did really miss his touch but we are friends— nothing more, nothing less.

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