ice cream

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*Zayn POV*
Aww Liam is so cute. Its impossible not too like him, I need him too wake up tho. I jump on the bed and tickle Liam, "Z-zee s-s-stop". He pants and his laugh is music too my ears, and the crinkles by his eyes when he smiles. "Wake up princess!" and he laughs as I smile, "F-fine" he manages too get out and I stop. "Love ya" I said walking too my phone, "Love ya more" he challenges "Not possible" I state and he squint his eyes.
"Is too"
"Is not"
"Is too" and he soons give up and nods "ok if you wanna believe that" he smiles. If only he knew how much I love him, "I do" I respond "Ice cream!" Josh yells running in the room with his boxers and a wooden spoon in his hand and a huge bowl that covers his face on his head. "Oh my gosh" I smirk and look at Liam as he does the same "hey Josh" Liam begans and I already know what he's gonna say. "By any chance did you and Maya sleep in your room, same bed right?" He ask And I laugh. Josh starts too blush and nods his head. "Did you tell her?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Why?" Liam ask with concern washing over, "Im going to tell her when we come back from the ice cream parlor" he promised and I nod my head.

"Is Maya awake?" Liam ask and Josh nods, "Ok get her so we can go it 1:00pm" I state and he walks too the door. I go to the bathroom put on my bodyfit white tee, black pants and varsity jacket, with my black combat boot. I signal Liam for him too use the restroom and he goes. He comes back with a red body fit shirt, black beanie, black pants, red converse and a leather jacket I gave him. And I bite my bottom lip scanning over Liam and I see Josh smirking in the door way and I cleng my Jaw and squeeze my eyes tight and, I can feel Liam looking at me and I just open my eyes and clap once. "Ok ready too go?" I ask as soon as Maya makes it too the room and she looks at me with worry. I just whisper 'Let it go' in her ear and she shakes her head and reaponds with 'Imma ask later' I sigh and nod knowing she won't let go of this.
Im driving, Liam is sitting in the passengers seat, Josh and Maya are sitting in the back. I turn on the radio. "I woke up in Chris Browns body" Liam starts too hum too the song "Freaky Friday" on the radio and I'm shocked he listens to this kind of music, he was so innocent. "Liam I thought you were innocent" I began as the song came too an end and he fakes a gasp and throw his hand on his heart, "I am!" He protest "I dont think innocent people know the song, freaky friday" Josh states and Liam glares at him.

"I dont know what your talking about" he crosses his arms and taps his foot, "Li you were singing it" Maya points out. "No I wasn't, I was humming it!" He fakes a mad tone "Same difference" I announced and he fights with me
"Is not"
"Is too"
"Is not" he rolls his eyes "eh, agree to disagree" I respond and he gives up.
"Liam what are you doing!" I yell and pout with my bottom lip sticking out and he laughs we got ice cream now were all just walking in the park. Liam licked my ice cream and thats why I said that. "I couldnt help it" he pouts and I chuckle "you have your own tho" I point out and he hugs me. "What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't eat your ice cream?" He asked and I laugh "Still a pretty good one" I promised and he blushes and I dip my finger in the ice cream and dap it on liams nose and he hits my arm. "Thats what you get!" I stick my tongue out and run and he chases me. I sneak behind him and I know he knows its me 'vampire senses' and I go behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, and lay my chin on his shoulder . Maya and Josh mouth the words 'Tell him' and I shake my head as they sigh,

"Hey princess" I began and he hums in responds "Come here" I say letting go of his waist too grab his hand and I drag him into the woods. "Remember this?" I asked knowing he remembers, its the waterfall, with colorful fish in it and flowers everywhere, and beautiful butterfies flying everywhere. I took him too when we were little everytime our parents would take us too the park together, or when one of us had a hard time. No one but us know its here, And he gasps and he nods "I do" he speaks for the first time in five minutes. He sits on the benches there and I sit next too him and he lays his head on my lap and I place my hand on his side. "Remember her?" I ask pointing to the fish thats all blue with pink waves and yellow spots. I named her princess when me and Liam where in 1st grade because she reminds me of Liam, her beauty sticks out she's the only fish like that the rest are solid colors, shes unique like Liam he sticks out from everyone else and hes unique. And you'll fall in love with her as soon as you lay your eyes on her just like Liam. "Yea, you named her princess" he smiles through the sentence. "I did" I confessed and he speaks up "Why did you Name her Princess?" He asked and I smile as I start the sentence. "She reminds me of beauty like you, shes unique like you, Her beauty sticks out from people who wish they were just as beautiful like you, and you'll love her as soon as you meet her just like you" and he gets up and looks me in the eyes with a pool of tears in his eyes "She basically reminds me of you she Beautiful, unique, loving, silly, and crazy, you light up any room you walk threw without knowing it and your amazing, in my eyes you are perfection" I finish and he hugs me "y-you mean it?" He asked and I nod feeling my shirt wet with tears. I can smell Josh and Maya right behind us.

"Yes, thats how I feel, your my best friend" my heart stings when I say best friend because I want some much more, I hear branches crunch I tap Liam but he's sleep so I lay him on the bench and look behind me only too find Maya and Josh. "How long have you guys been there?" I ask hopeing my senses of smell wasnt correct this one time they just got here, "Since the time you left us" Josh admits and I feel my heart beat pick up.

"You need to tell him" Maya states point to the sleeping Liam figure and I shake my head 'no' and Josh sighs "what if one day he dates someone, you will be in pain right?" Josh ask and I just nod. "one day he'll marry someone and on that day you will feel regret, wishing you could turn back time too find out how he felt" Maya adds on, I hate how they are always right but they are only telling the heartbreaking truth. "Ok I will...eventually" I mummble and they look at each other and Maya looks back at me while Josh looks at her lips and he turns back to me and I smirk. "Why did you act like that back in your room before we left?" She asked the question I wish she forgot "I couldnt help it, I cant even keep my emotions in anymore, its hard for me too do now" I answer because I was amazing at hiding my feelings but now its hard too do.

It was only the truth and she looks at Josh. "Thats because you have feelings for him you don't want to admit to him" she assured. "I guess I am, but he will never know" I sighed "Ok, lets go home its getting late" I walk away and pick Liam up as Maya walks out to the car.

"So you gonna tell her or you gave up?" I asked and he shakes his head "No, I'm going to tell her at home" he assured and I pat his back for good luck and he smiles "I'm always here for you if need help" I promise and he nods "thanks zayn" he thanks me. He doesn't need too thank me though because I'm always here for friends. "Your welcome"
*Josh POV*
That is it I think to myself. Maya is in my room and is stairing out the window as it rained because she finds it beautiful, calming, and carefree. "Maya can I tell you something?" I ask and she nods scooting next too me placing her hand on my knee "anything buddy, Im here for you" she assured "I do have feelings for you...I really like you" I manage too get out and she cries and I hug her "are you ok?" I ask I knew she didn't feel the same. "I really like you too" and at this point I'm crying tears of joy, "will you be my girlfriend?" I cross my fingers "yes" she says and holds onto me for dear life.
*Zayns pov*
Thanks to our hearing we could hear the conversation in josh room. "Im in love with you, will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes" Me and Liam hear, if only I could do that. Yes Liam woke up, "yes he told her" I cheer and Liam nods "that's adorable" he smiles and cheers for there happiness.

"Im not tired" Liam states and I'm happy he isnt because neither am I. "Me either, wanna play 21 questions?" I ask and he smiles "sure" he shrugs. "You first" he says

"If Klaus did change, if he wasn't a crazy stalker would you date him?" I ask, I hope he says no. "Honestly, I probably would" he truly said and I gulp feeling my heart shatter at the thought of him with someone else. "If I didnt find you in the restroom in pre-k would you have even talked to me?" He ask and I actually would have. "Yes I would have because you seemed funny, nice, and caring and I was right" I assured and he blushes a light pink then looks at the ground.

"so you think its wrong for close friends, really close best friends too Date?" I ask wishing that didnt sound too oblivious. "No" he assured and now I wanna know why he thinks that, "why?" I ask and he begins "because your best friend always know what your talking about, they know all your flaws, fears, and idols they already know your birthday, crazy parents and, weirdness they know you talk to yourself, they know your sense of humor they know it all but a stranger your date will be new too it all they won't get all your jokes like you're best friends will or understand you as much as they do" he points out and when he says it like that it gives me a whole new point of view of the topic. "Thats very insightful" I pat his back at he giggles, "why thank you" he ruffles my hair and I laugh.

"Im sleepy" he yawns
"me too, goodnight princess"
"Goodnight Zee"


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