Tell him

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*Zayns POV*
Its been a 3 weeks since my break down. And I'm feeling better, Alot better now. I look at the clock and it reads 11:00am and I hear Liam open and close the door. He left and now I'm here with Josh and Maya. I hear my bedroom door open and Josh jumps on my bed."wake up zaynie!" He yells I groan and turn my head. "Zaynie!" Maya yells, great now both of them are jumping on my bed. "No" I whined playfully and get up going to the bathroom and go through my natural routine.
"Zayn you need to tell Liam how you feel" Maya states and josh nods in agreement "You've like him since forever ago" Josh states the obvious "And you've loved him since forever ago" Maya finishes his Sentence. "Whats the worst that can happen?" Josh asked and I give him that look like 'are you stupid?' And I finally speak up "He'll hate me, he might not feel the same, it might get awkward, he'll stop talking to me..." I raint on too them "dont jump too worst case scenarios!" Josh hits my head.

I just got upstairs too my room and listen to music too calm me, it helps with the pain, it takes you away from reality, and make your dreams so realistic.

I jog downstairs with my earbud still in my ears, too get some juice only too find Liam and some guy outside the window, Liam is blushing and theres pain written all over my face. I just head upstairs never wanting too relive what I just witnessed until I came to a heartbreaking realization that Liam can be with whoever he pleased to be with and he deserves that, I can't choose who he ends up with even if it causes me physical pain from the inside out I wanted Liam happy and if another guy made him feel like the angel that he is then so be it. And before I reach the stairs Josh wrights something down on paper. Because Liam might hear everything and I wasn't ready nor needed that as selfish as that sounds.

Josh: tell him!
Me: no can do
Josh: and why not?!
Me: he will HATE me josh, ya hear me HATE
Josh: he's Liam he will never hate you!
Me: I rather have Liam and I just friends than him hating me for my feelings
Josh: he won't hate you! He knows you can't control your feelings, and he likes you too. I know it
Me: and you know how?! He didnt tell you. so how would you know?
Josh: I can see it
Me: mhm, I'm going too my room

"Bye" I whisper and suddenly I here the door burst open. Liam. "Im sleeping over at a friends" he announce and I nod and paint on a smile I mastered then turn around, "have fun" and I jog upstairs. Then someone hits me, I turn around and fit back but theres 9 of them i cant fight them all, they snap my neck and I fade into one with the darkness.

Can you guys plz like the stories... 3 likes ???

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