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*Liam's POV*
   I woke up in an empty bed, Zayn left and he went to Canada too see his therapist. Its not that early actually its the afternoon and I was downstairs with a white tee and regular blue jean with a beanie on.

"Is he ok?" I hear Josh ask with worry "Liam is he ok?" Maya asked with sorry as well. "He didnt call me yet so I'm not sure I hope so tho" I respond and then nod. Suddenly my phone rings it reads Ms.Malik and Im quick too swipe the answer "Liam? Liam. I need your help" she sniffs and I grew serious. "Clair, what happened?" I ask shaking "Zayn came back from therapy and hes been locked in his room all day his dad was mentioned and all the bottles of alcohol are gone" she cries and I try too help her too stop crying I hate when clair cries "Clair please stop crying, I hate when you cry I'll be there in 1 minute... Literally" I add and she laughs "Glad I made you laugh" I say laughing. And I hang up "So he ok?" Maya asked and I shake my head they both look really sad "I'm going to canada too bring our old happy, loud, crazy Zayn back I promise I will" I stated and they nod. I run using my speed too Canada, The door was opened and clair was standing their with a pool of tears filling her eyes "Clair please dont cry I will do everything in my power too help" I promised and she looks at me "I just, I dont know what to do. Im failing him as a mom" she sobs and I pull her into my embrace. "I dont like seeing you cry, I love you and Zayn does too remember that he's just going threw a tuff time you didnt fail him your the reson why he's so strong" she sniffs and nods "I love you too, Liam" she repondes "Imma find zayn ok?" I smile at her. "In his room" he points down the hall.
"Its me Liam can you just talk to me?" I ask.
I hear him unlock the door and I pull him into an embrace. He smells like alcohol and his hair is damped too his head "Zayn stop this your hurting Yourself, me, Maya, Josh, And your mom" I tell him. "I can't Liam I try and try but I can't I just want to forget!" He yells and soon his yells turn into sobs and I lock his door and take him to the bed. "your letting him win if you continue like this, you can't let him win your so much stronger than this" I assured and soon my eyes catches a familar red color on a peice of glass and my eyes begin to water at the possible thought. "Z-zayn d-did you hurt yourself again?" I cried and I can't stop crying as he still lay in my arms "y-yes" and now my soft crys become a waterfall off sadness running down my cheeks. "Zayn come here" I demand in a soft tone as I get off the bed. He follows behind me and I grab every alcohol bottle I see, we make it too the bathroom and he sits there and watches as I pour out all the bottles in the sink. "Im s-sorry princess" he whispers as he  looks at the ground in shame. "Zayn I need you too stop this, all of it" I state and throw all the bottles in the trash. "I cant" he tells me and I have tears cloud my vision as I turn and face Zayn "please Zayn your hurting everyone that loves you and your hurting yourself, just stop Zayn please for me" I plead and he nods "I promise" and I smiled knowing he will start taking better care of myself. I can't loose Zayn hes my best friend and I don't want to imagine a world without him.

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