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*Liam's POV*
"Hes what!" I yell I can't believe it Klaus kidnapped Zayn.  He also left a note and it says

Dear Liam,
If you ever want to see Zayn again you'll have be with me or else your best friend will be gone forever you'll never see that face, hear that voice, or even get to talk to him. You'll follow directions if you know whats good for you.
Love, Klaus

He's sick he can't handle the fact that I dont feel the way he wants me to feel towards him, at all. "Liam we'll help find him" Josh trys too calm me down but its not working "Calm down? Calm down! You want me too calm down when Klaus kidnapped Zayn" I yell and Maya hugs me "We will find him, we informed all the witches, vampires, and werewolf they said they'll help us" she states and I nod. "Nice too see you all again, Hey future husband" Klaus says winking and I cringe at the thought. "Let Zayn go.now" I demand my eyes turned blood red and all he does is smirk. "3 weeks too find him if you dont I'll kill him" Klaus states and tears fill my eyes. "Klaus can't you accept the fact that I dont love you" and his smile drops as he thinks of a quick comeback "You'll learn too" he states and in a snap of a finger hes gone.

"I can't believe this it's all completely insane!" I yell and Josh chuckles "inzayn" and I smack the back of his head "no!" he puts his head down in shame. "Hes crazy" Josh assures and I look at him "yes he is" I secure and Maya looks down and I see tears drip down her face "Maya whats wrong?" I ask and she gives me a full blown lie "I miss zayn" she lied and I grab her hand, lead her too my room and lock the door. "Whats really wrong?"
"well I wasnt really lying I do miss zayn its part of the reason I'm crying" she sniffed and I raise a brow wanting too know the other half.
"Josh he" she starts and I squeeze her hand letting her know I'm here. "I saw him with another girl, he kissed her, and it hurt me like nothing I've ever experienced" she looks down at the ground and I hug her. "Talk to him, yeah?" and she shakes her head, "I want him happy too, I can't just tie him down because I'm heartbroken" she cries and I nod "I know love, but you need to talk its the only way" and she shakes her head and I sigh.

"I want him happy" she repeats, "I know but he wants the same for you, why were you heartbroken?" I ask cause she never told me about her crush on him. "I like him...a lot " she let's me know. "Then tell him" and she nods "I will... But it will take some time" she dragged out and I nodded in understanding.

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