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*Liam's POV*
I got another note from Klaus. He killed Zayn. Zayns dead?. Maya and Josh are crying and I'm locked in my room tears slide down my face and I thought this is my fault. "This is complete hell" I whisper my eyes are red and puffy ive been crying for what feels like days. I unlock my door and walk out, I can hear Maya crying and sobbing along with Josh. I walk back into my room locking the door there's nothing I can do. I turn off my humanity, so I cant feel emitions anymore I'm numb too the world. "Liam, its Maya" she sniffs "what!" I yell angry. She walks in and hugs me, but I push her off she's calls josh in here and looks at me. "I think he cut off his humanity" Josh says sounding worried "No" Maya whispers "only one way too find out" he shruggs "Liam there are puppies dying" he states and I look at him like 'dude are you for real' and I shrug "not my damn problem!" I yell and Maya starts too cry harder as Josh holds her "Liam turn on your humanity, please Zayn wouldnt want this" he cries. "And how would you know hes dead!" I yell with no emotion behind it.

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