Hes back

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*Liam's POV*
Its been 4 days, 4 days without zayn, 4 days without hearing his voice, 4 day not seeing his face, 4 day with no 'Princess' behind almost every sentence. I miss him so much. I hear feet paddling up too my room I quickly close my eyes. "Liam, Liam! Wake up!" Josh shakes me and Maya jumps on my bed. "Yea?" I respond. "The witches, Zayn, Found, They" Josh pants almost out of breath "woah calm down" I tell him and he nods "They found Zayn" he says in a more calm state that he was 5 seconds ago and I jump out of bed to go to the restroom I run downstairs and I see Zayn standing in front of me. I run too him and jump into his arms, he catches me bridal style and laughs "Hey princess" and I kiss his cheek multiple times "I missed you so much" I fell him holding onto him for dear life. "Your gonna leave nail marks on my arms if you grab me any tighter" he groans playfully making me laugh "sorry" I mumble and I let go of him. "What happened? what did Klaus do? are you ok?" I load him up with questions.He chuckles, "He kidnapped me, tied my hands up but I broke out of them and ran out the basement window, He heard it cause hes a vampire...Obviously and the witches were right there waiting for me so yea" I sigh of relief that he ok. "But Liam," he starts why is there always a but "He wants to kidnap you next you need to watch your surroundings please" he plea "Yes,dad" and I smirked as he choked because of the name. "I will be careful" I promised and Zayn nodded, "By the way my parents want all of you for dinner at there house tomorrow" I announced seeing everyone cheer "Yay I do miss Cheryl" Maya announced and Josh nodded his head in agreement. Zayn smiled "yay Cheryl still looks 20 and she like 200 years old" and I just look at him "Well obviously" I point out and he just picks me up and tickles me. I laugh so hard there are crinkles by my eyes, "Z-zayn s-stop" I say in pants taking shorter breaths every time "ok I'm sorry" I pant out and he keeps tickling me. Then he finally stops and I mumble "Idiot" and he drags me upstairs. "You promise too be careful?" He dared to ask and I started to speak "yes Zayn I will I promise, and are you gonna be careful?" I asked and he looks at me, hugs me "I will" he promised
"Im sleepy" I announce yawning. I went to walk upstairs but Zayn picked me up bridal style. "I can walk" I assured and he just said "Well too bad I'm carrying you" he demanded and I shrugged giving up on this conversation. "What room?" He asked and I pointed too his room, as always "Ok, princess" he responded and before I know it I'm in his room. I take my shirt off and get under the covers and, he does the same and as always we face opposite directions and again I miss his touch. You can lay right next to someone and they could still feel 100 miles away.

"Good night, princess"


Haha I did use Cheryl as Liams mom XD

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