48 hours

273 8 2

*Liams POV*
I wake up with no Zayn but a note I called Josh and Maya in here too read this with me I also congratulated them on their new relationship. "Klaus kidnapped him!" I yell and ball up the note Maya and Josh already read it and now I'm crying. Why can't he leave Zayn alone? "No no, love stop crying" Josh sits next to me and holds me, Maya does the same. "I can't, he keeps hurting my best friend!" I yell again "we call everyone to help us its only been a day we'll find him" Maya promises and I give her that 'Are you crazy' look. "That means we only have one day left too find him" I whisper.

*Zayns POV*
I have a headache, a bad headace it feels like a hangover but I didn't drink so it can't be. I open my eyes only to find myself tried up and the memories started rushing back. "Hello Zayn" I hear a familiar voice, Klous. "What do you want Klaus!" I sneer and he smirks "If I could get everything I wanted, Liam would love me, and you've been knocked out for a day and a half" he states "He won't love you if you treat his best friend like this, he wants the guy he dates to like his best friends" I replied and he scoffs. "I know you're in love with him!" He yells "I'm not" I argue and tears start running down his face. He was heartbroken, wow. "look I know your upset, I know what that feels like, but doing this won't help with your love triangle" I point out and he shakes his head and walks away. "No! Its because of you! Your the reason why he doesnt love me!" He rages, hes actually heartbroken I never knew he had a heart like that and it's really confusing to see his defeated side. I always thought he was cold and heartless, he's really the opposite. "Its not because of me" I point and he crys more silently wiping his tears but the were replaced by more I see the pain he's going through now. "It is!" He yells "He won't be with me because of you" he speaks and I look down. "Im so sorry, I know what heartbreak feels like, trust me" I say and he looks at me with red eyes, he never has bags tho I guess he's been having sleepless nights.

"Why do you look so tired?" I ask "I havent gotten rest this past week" he lets out and I nod knowing how that goes "why?" I ask wanting to know I feel like a therapist. "Liam and you" he sighs and I give him a look, "how come?" I need to know I still hate him tho "because I love Liam he hates me, I guess I was and still am jealous" he mummbles. I cannot believe hes opened up too me.

"No one knows but I'm completely insecure, and jealous and worthless and I'm a idiot" he confessed and I worry. "No, who told you that?" I cleng and he looks down the sits Cris cross on the floor "my dad" he opens and I feel bad. "No your not worthless your great, you don't need to be insecure at all, and your one of the smartest guys I know" I help and he smiles at the ground "thanks Zayn"

*Liam's POV*
"Its been a day and 24 hours and no one has seen or hear from him" I cry and Josh comes to me "Its ok were all worried and scared but we will find Him" and I nod going to sleep again without Zayn.

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