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*zayn POV*
    I woke up again and Liam is still sleep right now its 7am and I decided to go for a walk and clear my mind. I jog dowstairs and outside, ive been out here for five minutes and I can feel someone following me. I catch a fimilar sent and turn around "Klaus!" I sneer through my teeth with my fist balled up. And he tried to bite me but I scratch him with my claws and fight him but another vampire grabs me, before I can turn around and im looking at a cloud of gray until my vision becomes blurry and I can't see. And everything becomes dark,

*Klaus POV*
    I run upstairs too Zayns bedroom and leave a note.

Dear Liam,
        I kidnapped Zayn...again and if you dont find him in 48 hours your getting one hell of a surprise. Unless you agree too be with me your best friend will suffer. I seen that kiss i wasn't there but I have cameras everywhere.
                                         Love, Klaus

I run vampire speed back outside and snap my fingers "Tie him up with wolf chains so he can't excape" I demand and I get a 'yes, sir" in return. "But sir, I dont think this will get Liam too love you back" I hear Jon sass and I turn my head so fast I'm surprised I didnt get whip lash. "Pardon?" I question and he shakes his head fast and ties the unconscious Zayn up and puts him into the Car. I hop in, "Drive" I demand as Jon drives off. Why can't Liam love me? Did I do something wrong? Am I not his type? Does he hate me? I ask myself as these questions cloud my mind.

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