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Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that. -Oliver Stone

I sat there thinking about what Mark said for nearly half an hour and he just sat next to me, watching quietly. I finally figured out why people are so drawn to Mark that night. He can get into peoples minds and he knew it. He can say one thing to you and then you can't say anything back because you'll just seem stupid compared to him. He sure as hell knew he was the smartest kid at the party. He was a lot like Dallas in that way. Eventually though, Mark got tired of just watching me think and left with a parting kiss on my cheek. I hadn't been expecting it and I didn't even have time to react. Soda noticed though, and shouted something at Mark while he passed. His normally soft and kind brown eyes were blazing with jealousy and annoyance by the time he reached me.

"What was Mark doing, kissing you like that?" He growled, leaning against the wooden bar.

"I don't know." I told him honestly.

I really didn't. He looked like he was thinking about chasing after Mark so I grabbed hold of his arm, "Don't."

He shook his head, something he does to clear his head and then gave me a perfect smile, "Stay with me then. I don't like seeing you with other boys."

It wasn't an order, it was a request. And a request that I was happy to oblige. He pulled me through the crowd over to the pool table where Curly Shepard was still hanging out but, this time with his sister, Angela. 

 Angela scared me more than Cury. She was one of the most beautiful girls that I'd ever seen and she knew it. She had long and wildly curly hair that framed her dainty and defined face perfectly and the body to match. She could get any guy she wanted, except Soda or Ponyboy. She'd slept around with nearly everyone in the gang, not that any of it lasted. Two-Bit and Steve had realized a bit too late that she was nothing but trouble. And Dallas just got bored with her. She never did do a whole lot besides drink and yell at people. She was a simple girl in that aspect I suppose. Still, Soda just ignored her and I don't think Ponyboy even knew she's alive. That bothered her and everyone knew it. 

"Hey Soda." She purred when we walked over.

Soda didn't bother replying, and focused on Steve and Two-Bits pool game instead. Maybe if Soda would have talked to her, she wouldn't have been so persistent. She just hated how unattainable he was.

"Sodapop Curtis, didn't you hear me?" She narrowed her perfect eyes at us.

Again, Soda didn't answer. My blood boiled next to him and I moved closer towards him.

"So you're ignoring me to be with her?" She stared at me like she just noticed I was there. 

She didn't have to spell it out that she didn't like me. That's okay, I didn't like her either. Soda didn't let the comment slide however, and glared at her with such anger that for a second I wasn't sure what he was going to do.

She flipped her long brown hair over her shoulders, "Just being honest."

"Don't be like that, Angel." Dallas spoke up from the corner of the room, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Then tell Sodapop to stop acting like she's better than me."  She huffed her.

I hated her, I really did.

I thought this was a good time for me to step in, "I think Soda is more than capable in judging who he likes."

She started screaming something foul at me right then and I had the feeling she was going to come swinging but, Dallas just picked her right up and threw her over her shoulder. 

I don't know why she was so rude to me. I was no threat to her. People are so cruel with each other even when they know how hard life is. None of it makes sense. That whole spectrum. We're all just kids. That ought to be enough for people to not be so awful to each other. 

This Might Hurt A Little-A Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now