Man On The Moon

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To be wronged is nothing, unless you remember it.-Confucius

Things went much how I expected them to go. There was a whole lot of yelling and a whole lot of Two-Bit not shutting his trap.

"Whaddya' mean you're his brothers? Like DNA and everything?" Two-Bit stared at Memphis and Phoniex who were suddenly looking like they regretted coming to Tulsa.

"Well jeez Two-Bit, that's the only way you can be brothers." Mark laughed and tossed him a smoke.

Dallas was the only one in the room wasn't sitting down. He stood tense in the middle of the room, looking between Memphis and Phoniex.

"So, you two have always known about each other?" He asked, pacing in short steps.

I wasn't sure if I should comfort him. I just couldn't move from my spot.

"Yeah." Phoniex and Memphis said at the same time.

"And my old man really didn't tell you about me?"

"No." Phoniex and Memphis both answered but, this time they lowered their eyes.

"Bastard." Dallas muttered under his breath, "Why now? Why would he tell you now?"

"Figured it was time, I suppose." Memphis answered, saying likely the worst thing he could of.

I knew Dallas was going to blow. 

"Figured it was time? My God, that man hates me."

"He's not so bad..." Phoniex muttered.

He didn't have the same father Dallas had. Well, biologically he did but he knew a different man. Their father had sent them Christmas presents and birthday cards and Dallas's father kicked him out of his house when he was 12. 

Dallas shot his head up, eyes blazing like fire but cold as ice, "He's not so bad? I've been living on the streets for the past five years! He was drunk almost everyday and would slap me around! You ain't know a damn thing about that man!"

Neither Memphis or Phoniex had recoiled. For some reason, they weren't afraid. Somewhere along the lines in they had learned to stand their ground.

"Look, we know our dad isn't an angel." Memphis shrugged, "I'm just saying, maybe you should think about why he did what he did."

"You're telling me there's a good reason to hit your kid like that?"

"Relax man, they weren't saying that." Mark spoke up from the corner.

He looked oddly satisfied by the chaos going down in the room around him. I'd always known he was a little off but, that was the first time I realized that maybe Mark wasn't all there. I hadn't truly noticed that he always smiled at off times and sometimes whispered things under his breath that didn't have to do with the conversation.

"Just hear them out, Dal." Two-Bit took a drink out of the beer he had grabbed from Marks stash under the cupboards.

Dallas looked at me with crazy eyes, like a lost naive fawn staring into a pair of headlights. I gave him a small nod and that was enough to reassure him. That was enough to make him stay and listen. He motioned for me to come over so, I did and sat beside him while Phoniex and Memphis had explained who they were and why they were there.

Their main reason for coming was simple. They thought Dallas had the right to know. They had moved to Maine when they were six, which explained why they sounded so different than us. Memphis was 23 and I had guessed Phoniex's age right. Dallas and him were the same age.

"So what do you want from me?" Dallas asked after they finished talking.

They looked taken aback. This isn't what they we're expecting, I knew.

"Nothing, honest. We just thought you should know and thought maybe you would want to know us."

I knew they that they had another thing coming.

"Well, I don't. You didn't need me for the past 17 years and you ain't gonna' need me in the future."

Nobody tried to stop Dallas when he walked out of the house and slammed the door behind him. Phoniex and Memphis both flinched but, neither Mark, Two-Bit or I even batted an eye. We knew angry Dallas. We knew hurt Dallas. What we didn't know was the Dallas that was going to emerge after the week was over.

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